Best eyelash growth products to grow eyelashes without prescription

by Amy


I've been trying to grow my eyelashes for years ever since I ruined them from wearing fake eyelashes too much. I was addicted to fake eyelashes and wore them everyday.

It started when I was invited to do a fashion show for charity. That was the first time I've ever had them on because they were hard to use. But the makeup artist showed me how to do it and I've been hooked ever since. They look sooo good!

But, over the years of using the glue, I guess, my real eyelashes got really thin and short. So, I've been trying everything to grow them. I'm afraid to use the prescription eyelash growth medicine, plus, it's really expensive.

But I found a really good eyelash growth serum that works pretty well so far. I've been using if for a few weeks and can really see a difference.

My lashes are longer, even in the corners of my eyes where I had those little tiny short lashes that mascara could never reach. My husband and sister noticed too. Everyone keeps asking me what type of mascara I'm using, but it's not the mascara, it’s just that my lashes are longer.

The product is called Radiant Lash. I brush on a small amount every night before going to bed . Don't use too much or your eyes will be a bit blurry and sometimes itchy.

The manufacture says it's supposed to work in two weeks, but I think it me about 6 weeks before I noticed any big change. Plus, it cheap, it only cost around $49.00 and I still have a lot left in the tube.

Anyway, just wanted to share that with you all.

Hi Amy,

Thanks so much for sharing your eyelash growth story. For those of you looking for this product - here is their website:

Radiant Lash

Keep me posted on how it goes Amy.


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Aug 16, 2011
Does the lash grow product have any side effect?
by: Rhea

Hi Amy,

I read your post about the lash product. I'm to hear it works for you. I want to try it, but have very sensitive eyes. Did you experience any side effects?


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