Best Sunscreens

What should the best sunscreens contain or NOT contain?  

Well, I for one, would like one that does not contain harmful chemicals or one that's not going to clog my pores.

Sure, I want to protect my skin from the damaging UVA and UVB radiation from the sun, but don't want to cause other skin damage in the process. 

Recent research suggests that we now have to pay attention to the types of chemicals in our sun protection products.

What is the Safest Sunscreen?

So really what is the safest sunscreen? Well researchers who have been doing some intensive sunscreen reviews are now saying that sun protection should not contain certain chemicals.

Go to Sun Safety to read more about these chemicals and the research.

The reason these chemicals might be problem is because of their makeup Researches suspect that many of these ingredients break down when exposed to the sun, and can cause an increase of estrogen or free radicals which can lead to an increase in the possibility of various forms of squamous cell carcinoma and melanoma.

In other words, they really are doing us more harm than good. So until more is known...for now the safest and most effective and sunscreens should contain titanium dioxide and zinc oxide.

Sunscreen Comparison

It’s really hard to compare sunscreen lotions because of course you want the most effective sunscreen, you also now have to worry about the safest sunscreen too.

It used to be that you went to the store, and looked for the highest SPF (or the lowest, depending on whether or not you were going to try and get a tan).

Today, when you go looking for the most effective sunscreen and there are hundreds of options. There are all manner of applications such as sprays, lotions and oils and preparations from “all natural” to “clinically proven”. So how do you decide?

To start with, choose a sunscreen that has titanium dioxide or zinc oxide as its chief ingredient. They no longer make you look white and pasty and they don’t have the issues that some of the chemicals seem to have.

You should get a minimum of an SPF 15 sunscreen. This will work on the vast majority of people.

You also want to make sure your sunscreen does not contain chemicals like oxybenzone or vitamin A which might cause DNA damage or accelerate skin damage....basically you want as ingredients with toxicity concerns as possible.

Reviews of the best Sunscreens

I’m a big fan of the most natural type of sunscreen possible. I hate that greasy feel most have.

And I always worried (now with good reason) about smothering my skin with those chemical, fragrances, dyes, parabens, formaldehyde............ and lord knows what other strange ingredients......that are found in most sunscreens. 

My sunscreen reviews included your typical drug store brands like:

  • Neutrogena Sunscreen
  • Coppertone Sport Sunscreen
  • No Ad Sunscreen
  • And Guess What? Many of these contained either fragrances, parabens, PABA, octyl-methoxycinnamate, benzophenone-3, oxybenzone and/or vitamin A (retinyl palmitate) derivatives that researchers want us to avoid.

    What Is The Best Sunscreen?

    I actually found a few really good and totally natural sun protection products. Some were very inexpensive and some a little pricey but well worth it because they offered additional skin/anti-aging protction.

    However, I love this one Elta MD and the prices is great. Plus, it helps reduce age spots, brown spots, and hyperpigmentation.

    If you’re interested in seeing a longer list of products, click here Safe Sunscreens.

    Additional Reading

    Sunscreen Fact - Learn more about safe sun products and what the Environmental Working Group has to about their research.

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