Eliminate double chin and chubby cheeks

by Kamna

Please give me some tips on how to eliminate chubby cheeks and double chin.


I would like to learn how to eliminate double chin and chubby cheeks.

Hello Kamna,

Thanks for your email. Below I've listed one of my favorite facial exercises help slim, sculpt and tone the lower half of the face.Try doing this one 2 times a day 7 days a week. You can do this easily - even while driving your car because it doesn't require the use of your hands.

It also helps eliminate nasal folds......

1. Open your mouth wide and make an O shape and curl your lips over your teeth.

2. Try to smile big while keeping your lips curled over your teeth.

3. When you try to smile, you'll feel your cheek muscles raise upward. Then take the palms of your hands and place them on your cheek muscles and try to slight push the cheek muscles down. You're using your palms as weights.

4. Then relax the smile and stop pushing with palms for a second.....and repeat the smile/push again.

5. Repeat this exercise 10-20 times a day. This will raise your cheek muscles, pulling up sagging skin and will strengthen the around the whole lower face.

For more information on face sculpting exercises visit the page listed below.

How To Eliminate Double Chin

Hope this helped,
Linda, Admin Wrinkle Free Skin Tips

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Eliminate double chin and chubby cheeks

Please help me slim my face and reduce chubby cheeks and eliminate my double chin.

Thanks for your email. I have found a few exercises that help reduce chubby cheeks and a double chin.

For chubby cheeks it helps to raise the cheeks. This gives the face a elegant, refined look, while lifting everything up a bit. It can even help with nasal folds.

1. Make a large O shape with your mouth and curl your lips over your teeth.

2. Try to smile wide and big while keeping your lips curled over your teeth.

3. When you try to smile, you'll feel your cheek muscles raise upward. Then take the palms of your hands and place them on your cheek muscles and try to slight push the cheek muscles down. You're using your palms as weights.

4. Then relax the smile and stop pushing with palms for a second.....and repeat the smile/push again.

5. Repeat this exercise 10-20 times a day.

Dobule Chin

1.While sitting comfortably, tilt your head way back and look at the ceiling.

2. Stick your tongue out, as if you were trying to reach the ceiling.

3. Hold this position for 10 counts and return your tongue to normal position. Repeat this exercise 4 more times.

Do both exercises at least 5 times a week. For more exercises to slim your face visit How To Eliminate Double Chin and Chubby Cheeks.

I hope this helps,

Linda, Admin Wrinkle Free Skin Tips

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Eliminate Double Chin and Fat Cheeks????

Please help. I need to know how to eliminate a double chin and fat cheeks? I'm not over weight, but my face looks pudgy!!

Hello Paul,

Thanks for your email regarding how to eliminate double chin and chubby cheeks. One of the best ways to slim your face is to tighten certain targeted muscles by exercising them.

If you tone and tighten sagging muscles around the cheeks and under the chin repeatedly, you can help give your face a more sculpted,tighter look. Remember, the muscles in your face respond the same way the muscles do on your body.....if you don't exercise them, they will get flabby.

There are about 40 facial exercises to help slim sagging cheeks and under chin muscles. Here is one to try, but you get best results when you do all of them consistently.

My favorite one that seem to give me the most results is:

For chubby cheeks - do cheek raises.

1. Make a large O shape with your mouth and curl your lips over your teeth.

2. Try to smile wide and big while keeping your lips curled over your teeth.

3. When you try to smile, you'll feel your cheek muscles raise upward. Then take the palms of your hands and place them on your cheek muscles and try to slight push the cheek muscles down. You're using your palms as weights.

4. Then relax the smile and stop pushing with palms for a second.....and repeat the smile/push again.

5. Do this exercise 10-15 times a day at least twice a day for best results. This exercise will raise your cheek muscles, pulling up sagging skin and will strengthen and sculpt the area around the whole lower face.

Click here to read more on face sculpting exercises:

How To Eliminate Double Chin.

Hope this helps,

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Eliminate Chubby Cheeks/Double Chin

by Malou

I would like to learn how to eliminate double chin and chubby cheeks.


Thanks for your email. There are a few facial exercises you can do to help slim, sculpt and tone the lower half of the face. Here is one of my favorite, easy face exercise.

It also helps eliminate nasal folds......

1. Open your mouth wide and make an O shape and curl your lips over your teeth.

2. Try to smile big while keeping your lips curled over your teeth.

3. When you try to smile, you'll feel your cheek muscles raise upward. Then take the palms of your hands and place them on your cheek muscles and try to slight push the cheek muscles down. You're using your palms as weights.

4. Then relax the smile and stop pushing with palms for a second.....and repeat the smile/push again.

5. Repeat this exercise 10-20 times a day. This will raise your cheek muscles, pulling up sagging skin and will strengthen the around the whole lower face.

For more information on face sculpting exercises visit the page listed below.

How To Eliminate Double Chin

Hope this helped,
Linda, Admin Wrinkle Free Skin Tips

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chubby cheeks - How To Get Rid Of chubby cheeks

by saba
(saudi arabia (dammam))

i wanna know sum exercises to loose my chubby cheeks & double chin i wanna look sexier.

Hi Saba,

Thanks for your question. I have found a fantastic video for slimming the face and getting rid of a double chin. It's been used by people all over the world and endorsed by professional models. I have just tried it myself and love the results that I'm seeing.

Click here to read more about it... How To Eliminate a Double Chin and Chubby Cheeks.

If you get it, please take a picture of yourself before so you can see the difference it makes in about 30 days. Keep most posted....I'd love to hear your results.

Linda,Admin Wrinkle Free Skin Tips

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How to slim chubby cheeks?

My face is pretty chubby - but I'm thin. Are there any exercises that work for this problem?
YES! I found this great exercise video that reduces fat cheeks and double chin. I'm starting to see results after only a few weeks.

Check out this page to read more about it and to see who is using it.....like professional models. That's how successful it is.. over 14,000 have tried this video.

Reduce Fat Cheeks and Double Chin

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