Facial exercises for eyes. Is this an alternative to lower eye lift?

by Wendy


Is there an alternative to a lower eye lift through facial exercises? I just turned 56 and am really starting to look my age.

I always looked young for my age and it seems like all of a sudden, my face is falling down. My eyes look tired, my jowls are drooping and my mouth looks sad.

I'm never going to get a facelift, I'm too afraid of the cutting and anesthesia. (I'm afraid, I won't wake up from it.)

I'm considering facial exercises, but hate to have to wait months to see results. I read that it takes months to notice results.

I was wondering if I did facial exercises twice a day, or more often per week would that give me faster results? Please give some advice.


Thanks for your email. While it's true facial exercises take some time, many people can start to see small improvements and results in as little as a few weeks - depending on your skin type, age, and how much sagging you have.

Final or dramatic results do take time, but it's better than doing nothing at all. Even if you did have a facelift surgery, you would continue to age and would have to have these procedures done again and again.

I don't know which facial exercise program you are asking about, but I have tried dozens of different ones since 1998 and can tell you for the most part, more is not better.

By doing exercises too often without proper rest in between, you risk the chance of over-buiding.

After years of searching for a program that was quick and easy to use, I settled on CFF.

I like it because it was designed to be easy, simple, and quick to use....no special equipment or time consuming complicated exercises.


developer of this program does NOT recommend doing them twice a day - as researched showed - it did not bring faster results.

It was suggested that the face/skin/muscles needed a few days time-off to rebuild and recover properly.

In fact, you have a better chance of getting nicer/faster results by taking a few days rest in-between!

Now, that being said, they do suggest performing the exercises more times per week if you are older.

So for example, for those over 40 years of age, it is recommended that you perform this simple 15 minute routine between 3-5 times per week.

If you're in a hurry for faster results, try aiming for 5 times a week.

And, those who are between the ages of 30-40, only needed to do the exercises 3 times a week.

If you're younger than 30, then only 2 times a week is necessary.

Through years of trial, error, and research, it was determined that lying down while doing these exercises brought about faster and better results, then sitting up.

That is probably my most favorite part. Not only are these exercises easy and simple, but I get to do them while lying in bed. You really feel a difference that way.

And, don't forget to add the Face Firmer massage at the end of the work for a fantastic, even looking balance to the whole face, neck, and decollete.

The Face Firmer can help firm-up and fill-out hollows in the eyes and cheeks and bring a more youthful appearance to the skin.

I hope this helped. Please don't think it's too late. Visit this link face exercises, before and after to see pictures of Carolyn - who is over 64 years old now...........

See what she looked like when she first started doing the exercises in her early 50's.

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