your latest treatment of Psoriasis

by Allison

I just wanted to tell you that I tried your recommend product Dermasis for my itching psoriasis. I had it all over my arms and fingers.

I worked! It took few weeks for the red sore spots to clear up, but I don't have to wear long sleeve shirts anymore! I wish I would have tried in the beginning of the summer. It's tough trying to keep your arms covered in the summer heat.

Thanks so much,
Wow, thanks for taking the time to tell us your experience Allison. Keep me posted and let me know how things go.

Linda, Wrinkle Free Skin Tips

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Pustular Psoriasis Photos

Do you have any Pustular Psoriasis Photos or information on this type of psoriasis?


Yes, you can find more information and pustular psoriasis photos and great tips for treating it naturally..... Click here - What Does Psoriasis Look Like.

I hope this helps,
Linda, Admin Wrinkle Free Skin Tips

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Caffeine Psoriasis - Psoriasis diet?

Is there any connection between caffeine and psoriasis. I suffer from this and can't find anything to help me.

Hello Steven,

Thanks for your question regarding caffeine psoriasis and psoriasis diet.

According to the National Psoriasis Foundation those who suffer from psoriasis should stay away from caffeine.

BUT, many people have reported that a very small amount of caffeine actually helped their psoriasis symptoms.

The best thing to do, if you're a caffeine drinker is to cut back or eliminate it for a few days. Then add it back and see how it affects your psoriasis symptoms.

This way, you'll know how it affects you personally and can judge accordingly.

Also, consider trying an all natural psoriasis cream that has been endorsed by the National Psoriasis Foundation. Many of my visitors have reported great results in terms of less itching, irritation, flaking, and less dryness.

Click here Psoriasis Diet to read more about the best foods for psoriasis and about an all natural cream that can help.

Hope this helps....

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Natural Psoriasis treatment Cure

by dree man

Psoriasis Effect on the Quality of Life:

Psoriasis is a disease whose main symptom is gray or silvery flaky patches on the skin which are red and inflamed underneath.

In the United States, it affects 2 to 2.6 percent of the population, or between 5.8 and 7.5 million people. Commonly affected areas include the scalp, elbows, knees, arms, stomach and back. Psoriasis is autoimmune in origin, and is not contagious.

Around a quarter of people with psoriasis also suffer from psoriatic arthritis, which is similar to rheumatoid arthritis in its effects.

Psoriasis was first given that name in complete differentiation from other skin conditions by the Austrian dermatologist Ferdinand von Hebra in 1841, although there are what are believed to be descriptions of the disease in sources going back to ancient Roman and possibly even biblical times.

Yes, psoriasis affects millions of people each year and unfortunately, many psoriasis drugs leave people with a lot of side effects and they don't cure psoriasis.

A friend of mine who suffers with this uncomfortable skin condition told me about a new psoriasis cream that contains FDA approved ingredients.

What she like most about this cream is that it's not greasy and really gets deep into the skin. It also exfoliates and hydrates so her psoriasis symptoms are greatly reduced.

If you're interested in reading more, click on this link Natural Remedies For Psoriasis

I hope this information helps. Please let me know if you need any more information.

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psoriasis diet

by J.T

My son has psoriasis and I think it is because he eats junk food all time. Is there a certain psoriasis diet he should be on?
Hi J.T.

Click on the following link to learn more between psoriasis and diet. Psoriasis Diet.

Linda, Admin Wrinkle Free Skin Tips

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Psoriasis Photos Pustule - What does psoriasis look like?

What does psoriasis look like? I'm looking for psoriasis photos of pustule.


Thanks for your email. Please click on the following link to see photos of pustule psoriasis...What Does Psoriasis Look Like.

Also, check out the review of Dermasis a cream endorsed by the National Psoriasis Foundation. It contains FDA approved ingredients and has been proven effective for treating psoriasis symptoms.

I hope this helps...

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psoriasis with wrinkle

by anne

Hi,I'm a mother 33 years old, 20 years with psoriasis. I suffer with psoriasis almost in whole body, even in my hands, so I have to wear long sleeves.

My skin looks old red, and wrinkled...even on my hands.

This make me sad. Please help and me what can I do for this thanks.

I went to a doctor but it seems that the cream he gave me caused more wrinkles. Because before using that psoriasis cream my skin didn't look as wrinkled. Oh please help me.

Hell Anne,

I'm so sorry to how much you are suffering from psoriasis. You must ask your doctor to change your medication if your skin looks that bad.

There are a number of topical psoriasis creams. These include:

Anthralin: is a prescription cream that helps reduces the number of fast growing skin cells and psoriasis plaques, but has some side effects like skin irritation.

Donovex: which is a synthetic form of vitamin D3. It also works by slowing down the rate of cell growth and removing the scales.

Salicylic Acid: this is available counter and in prescription strengths. It helps remove the scales of psoriasis. It is usually used in combination with other psoriasis medications such as anthralin,or topical steroids.

Coal Tar: which is a very traditional treatment.

Tazorac: This is a derivative of vitamin A that is also referred to as a topical retinoid.

Topical Steroids: this is the most common treatment for psoriasis and usually works pretty well for most people. However, this one has the most negative side effects including thinning of the skin, stretch marks, easy bruising, and other types of skin damage.

You didn't say what medication your doctor gave you - but I suspect it could be topical steroids. This could make your skin look drier and more wrinkled. And to make things worse you'll need to take stronger and stronger doses of this medication in order for it to keep working.

You might want to ask your doctor if you he can prescribe another type of medication. Topical steroids will damage skin -- especially for long term use.

You can also try following a psoriasis diet.

The The National Psoriasis Foundation believe diet may play a part in your skin condition.

I hope this information has helped you. Please make sure you talk to your doctor about your medication.

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