Management of Atopic Dermatitis

Treatment and management of atopic dermatitis has always been difficult due to side effects of most typical eczema medication. Therefore, unfortunately, many people suffer.

The most common medication used is steroids – like topical corticosteroid.

While this is pretty effective in reducing inflammation and providing some temporary relief, most people can’t use it long term because of all the nasty side effects.

Atopic dermatitis - also known as eczema - is basically inflammation of the skin when it comes in contact with irritants and allergens, or from too much sunlight, poor circulation, and even stress.

Once someone develops eczema, simple factors can causes flair-ups…..........factors like heat, humidity, certain detergents and soaps. Even abrasive clothing can trigger a flair-up!

Atopic Dermatitis Pictures

When looking at pictures of eczema you’ll notice that there are a variety of signs and skin symptoms.

But the most common eczema symptom is a dry, red, itchy rash that can sometimes blister and can become flaky or scaly.

Atopic dermatitis is a very uncomfortable, itchy, painful skin condition.

And, to make matters worse, all that scratching only irritates the skin further, spreads the inflammation to other body parts, and can lead to an infection and scaring.

So the best way to manage atopic dermatitis is to control and help prevent flair-ups.

Diet Tips - Management of Atopic Dermatitis

There are several ways to manage dermatitis both internally and externally. Since eczema is a condition more prevalent in those with allergies, you need to look at your diet.

Perhaps there are certain foods that you’re eating that trigger outbreaks and flare-ups?

For some people, just avoiding some basic foods, goes a long way in providing relief. There are four common foods that many people are allergic to.

You may wish to keep a food diary and see if there is any connection between certain foods ingested and eczema flare-ups. Click here to read more about Which Foods Cause Eczema.

Another way to manage your eczema symptoms is through supplements. Researchers found that certain supplements like fish oil and probiotics (acidophilus) helped reduce eczema skin symptoms in as little as one month.

Learn more about this Natural Treatment for Eczema.

Topical dermatitis management

You need to care for your skin and be careful what it comes in contact with. For example, avoid too much sun and hot water…hot tubs and hot showers are not good for eczema prone skin.

Also, what you clean and moisturize your skin with is important in preventing uncomfortable skin symptoms.

Eczema skin is extremely sensitive and while it’s dry and flaky – researchers have found that using greasy creams, cleanser, or ointments only exacerbates the symptoms.

You should only use products specifically developed for hypersensitive eczema skin, like mild eczema soap.

The more natural and gentle – the better. Click Here to learn more.

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