Comments for Natrol and Jarrow BioSil Capsule or Liquids which is better?

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Apr 05, 2019
A Feeling?
by: SuperNova

I have just started using it about 1-1/2 weeks ago. I noticed something that I haven't read about at all.

Nothing else has changed in my regular routine or foot choices.

But I have an odd feeling on my face that feels like a bunch of little mites running around.

Is this possibly a side effect? Has anyone else experienced this? I would like to give this a chance and I'm using the drops. But I would be curious to know if anyone else has this experience.


Thanks for your comments about using Biosil liquid for almost 20 years. I've been using the one by Jarrow - now sold by Natrol and I've used by liquid drops and capsule but never noticed this feeling.

I'll post this out here on the blog and see if anyone else has this expereince.



Apr 13, 2014
biosil stomach pain
by: Dawn

Biosil can and will cause stomach pain, excess gas and bloating even when taking the recommended dosage in some people.

I am one of those people. I started taking Biosil drops to help my nails and hair and started having horrible pain in my stomach and terrible gas, but I thought it was something I ate so I kept taking it.

It only got better if I didn't take it that day. I'm glad it works for some people but disappointed it won't work for me.


Editors Note: Hi Dawn, I'm sorry to hear it bothered your stomach so much.

I had not had any problem taking Biosil and during the 10 years I worked as a Health Advisor for the Life Extension Foundation (that's where I first learned about the benefits of Biosil) I hardly had any customer complaints.....except for the occasional overdosing issue.

Taking more than recommend on the label can cause stomach distress like gas or bloating.

You know there are two different forms of Bisoil - capsules and liquid? Have you tried different forms to see if one works better than the other?

I feel the liquid is easier to overdose with - so if you don't measure exactly the amount of drops recommended you could experience some bloating or gas.

Sep 25, 2012
Stomach upset
by: Anette

I have been taking BioSil for about a month for my hair. The last time I washed my hair I didn't lose as much hair as I had been.

However, for the last 2 or 3 days now I have had diarrhea so I'm thinking I will have to cut back on the amount I'm taking. As stated on the label I've been taking 5 drops twice a day.

I actually started only taking 5 for the 1st week, but when I increased to 10 I noticed everyday my stool was looser and looser until the diarrhea set in. Any suggestions.


Hi Anette,

While there can be lots of reasons for your stomach distress, it wouldn't hurt to stop taking Biosil for a few days and see if your problem goes away.

Then, restart taking it aging in small doses working up to the maximum suggested on the label - slowly. I'd increase a drop or two every few days until I reached the maximum directed on the label.

If you notice that your problem continues after discontinuing the Biosil then you know something else is causing the problem.

I usually don't use more than 5 drops per day.......but have noticed that if I do use more, I get stomach symptoms too.

I have heard that more people tend to notice stomach upset with the liquid more so than the capsules.

Glad to hear it's helping your hair.

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