Need a Remedy for Sunken Eyes and Dark Circles - Natural Eye Lift Exercises

by HN
(Mississauga, Ontario, Canada)


Just to give you a quick background, I never had any eye problems until I recently used Rogaine for hair loss. I used it for a month and I developed horrible dark circles and sunken eyes. I stopped using the product and after a little research I found out that Rogaine stops collagen production especially around the eyes.

Due to this my skin underneath my eyes has sunken as I've lost the collagen there.

Could you please recommend something to help fill in the area underneath my eyes and also get rid of my dark circles. I have searched extensively but there are so many products that I am very confused in which way to address this issue.

Thanks a lot for your help.

Hello HN,

Thanks for your email. Wow, I had no idea that Rogain had such side effects. Yes, you're right there are a lot product to help reduce dark eye circles, but not many of them help with sunken eyes.

I can give you some product suggestion, but I don't know how well a certain product will for each individual. But, there is something you can do to help with the sunken eye area......natural eye lift exercises.

In fact, you should perform all 28 exercises to address all 57 key muscles of the face and neck......since all the muscles are connected and you want to nice balanced look for the face and neck.

Regular facial exercises can help tone and improve the quality of the skin while building the underlying muscles giving the face a natural lift. When you do the eye exercises you help flush the fluid (and toxins) by stimulating the tiny lymph node glands under and around the eye area. This excess fluid is one of the main reasons for puffy eyes and dark circles.

Also, exercises help increase circulation which brings nutrient rich oxygen which helps improve the health of the skin too.

Overall you tone the muscles which helps retain the natural, younger shape of the eye area. One of the natural signs of aging is the eyes tend to become some what sunken what the reason for your problem, starting the exercises now can help maintain a more youthful look as you age.

Click here to read more and watch a video of how facial exercises work. natural eye lift exercises. BTW - the woman in this video is over 64 years old. wait until you see how young she looks!!

Hope this helps.

Oh, p.s. here is a suggestion for a cream that might also help reduce dark, puffy eye circles. treating dark eye circles.

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Oct 20, 2014
Facial exercise for eyelid lift
by: Anonymous

How long does it take for the exercise to show results?

Editor's Note:
Generally, most facial exercise instructors (like Carolyn from Facial Fitness) say it can take a few weeks to see minor changes and up to 6 months to see dramatic results.

(Keep in mind the older you are or the more damage you have the longer it may take.)

This is of course provided you perform the exercises 3-5 times a week. If you're over 40, then she suggests you aim for a minimum of 4 times a week - 5 is better.

It may sound like work, but once you get used to doing them, it's like brushing your becomes a part of your weekly routine.

I don't always manage to do all the exercises every week. I have down time where I'm just too busy, but I try to do as much as I can.

I still think it's a better trade off when compared to the alternative - plastic surgery.

Plus, it's cheaper. Once you buy her program, you're done! Forever! No need to purchase anything else because Carolyn will send you FREE updates as she finds better and more effective exercises.

Have you seen her before and after pictures? They're pretty dramatic. You can learn more here....Why Face Lift Exercises.

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