Obagi skin care acne products?

by Melissa


Does Obagi make a skin care acne line that I can buy over-the-counter? My friend uses Obagi products and really loves them and her skin does look nice, but she doesn’t have any problems with pimples, breakouts, or acne.

I don't know, maybe it's because she does use that line of products?

Either way, I need to use products for acne prone skin or I'll be constantly breaking out. Any information you have would be helpful.

Hi Melissa,

Thanks for your email about Obagi Acne products.

Yes, they make several products for acne prone skin,that you can buy online without a prescription.

The most popular is their salicylic acid and benzoyl period toner called Obagi Clenziderm.

From what I understand this Obagi clear skin toner helps to not only clean the pores, but reduce bacteria which is in part responsible for breakouts. Some people have claimed that it can help with cystic acne too.

The nice thing is it's not over-drying, so women and men with normal to dry skin can use it too.

Once in a awhile I hear a complaint that it actually caused a breakout, which is rare.

However, from what I've read this is sometimes due to the fact that it's uncovering dirt and oil and bringing everything to the surface.

Most people say try it for at least two weeks before deciding if it's not right for you.

There is also the Obagi cleanser that you could use first – which contains willow bark extract and Bergamot Leaf Extract which help reduce inflammation and bacteria too.

If you have dry skin I would first use either the cleanser or the toner and see how your skin reacts.

You can read about the
Obagi Cleanser

And to
Obagi Skin Care Products
Obagi Reviews

Hope this helps. Let me know if you have any further questions.

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Where Can I buy Obagi Skin Care Products?

buy discount Obagi Skincare Products

buy discount Obagi Skincare Products

Hi There,

I'm looking for discount Obagi products. My sister-in-law has been using the Elastiderm for a few months and she looks great. She got her product from her dermatologist's office, but I can't afford that.

Do you know much about the Elastiderm and where I can get a discounted or sale price?



Thanks for your email regarding Obagi skin care products and especially the ElastiDerm Eye Treatment.

This treatment cream was designed to stimulate elastin production in the sensitive tissues around the eyes. It also helps hydrate the area without causing puffiness.

The majority of reviews were positive and most said they noticed a difference - but it does take time. I guess it all depends on your age and how bad your skin condition is.

Right now, there is a special offer from SkinCareRX - when you purchase the Obagi Bundle (that's the ElastiDerm and the 15% Vitamin C Serum), you get a Free $25.00 Gift Card

Also, in reference to discounted Obagi products - SkinCareRx offers 100% Price Matching and guarantee the lowest price.

If you only want the ElastiDerm, you can get it here:

Obagi ElastiDerm.

Hope this helped,

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Oct 05, 2011
discount Obagi products
by: Anonymous

Thanks. Do you know how long that gift card will be offered?

I want to get the bundle with the vitamin C serum. That is what my sister-in-law was using.

But, can't buy it until next week.


I'm not sure how long they'll offer the gift card, it doesn't say anywhere on their site. However, I'll contact customer service and will get back to you.


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