Oily Skin Tips - Homemade Egg mask (fixes oily skin )

by Eden Kraitberg

Egg facial (natural way to care for oily skin)

1.Start with 1 egg
separate the yolk and whites

2. whisk the egg whites until they become bubbly and frothy then rub them on your face and once that dries, you can wash it off.

(if you cant smile its dry)

3.then rub the yolk on wait till it drys then wash it off.

Your skin will feel tight so take an ice cube
and rub it all over your face your skin should now feel more relaxed

once you dry off your face rub on any type as moisturizing cream. (optional)

then your done :D
Wow Eden. Thanks for that great tip. I don't have oily skin all the time, but during the summer months I do.

I just tried your mask idea this morning and it worked Great. Then I followed it with this great Oily Skin Moisturizer. My skin feels really good.

Do you have any other homemade recipes? If so, please feel free to share with us :-)

Thanks for the suggestion.


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Apr 26, 2011
Blackheads on nose
by: Jean

I have really bad blackheads on my nose and I have greasy skin. Would the homemade egg mask work? I've tried a lot of products, but nothing seems to work.

Hi Jean,

Thanks for your email. The homemade egg mask can help for sure and might help reduce some of the excess oil.

You might also want to consider using another blackhead remover tip called the skin eraser kit.

This kit has two steps -

1. is the clay scrub that unclogs pores, removes dead skin patches, and thins out scars and imperfections.

2. is the fruit acid serum. You dab this serum on the really troubled spots like brown spots, blotches or other discoloration from too much sun or breakouts, and on the greasy oily, blackhead areas.

Since the pores are cleared, this serum can get deep inside to melt blackheads and helps tighten pores and skin. I love this facial and use it about once a month.

Click here to read more...Large Pores on nose.

Mar 16, 2011
Where did you buy zenmed face wash for oily skin?
by: Anonymous

Where do you get this Zenmed skin wash? I have oily skin too and can never find the perfect wash.


Hi Jillian,

You can purchase the Zenmed line over the internet here at this link Zenmed.

All their products are very gentle, with healing herbs, some organic ingredients, and free from fragrances and other additives. You'll like them, they're really good high quality products.

Mar 16, 2011
You can prevent oily skin too
by: Anonymous

I have very oily skin and found ways to help prevent it from getting worse, especially in the summer time. I found out that my face wash was one of the biggest problems. I used a face wash made for oily skin, but my dermatologist told me it was only making my skin more oily because it was over drying it.

I know that probably doesn't make sense, it didn't make sense to me at first too. But, I stopped using my face wash and tried a more gentle one by Zenmed.

I didn't think it would clean my skin very well because I'm used to that really dry feeling (which I like) after washing. But instead my face felt just normal. I was expecting to see a really shiny forehead by the time I got to my office, but my skin looked good. Clean and soft.

Ok, so I gave it about a month and now, I hardly have that greasy shiny look anymore. I still have to blot around the nose and chin area in the really hot summer months, but nothing like before. I'm happy with it.

So look at the type face wash you use if you have problems with very oily skin.

Thanks so much for your comment. I've been saying that all along, harsh drying soaps and lotions only cause more oil to be produced further aggravating oily skin conditions.

I'm glad to hear you have it under control. You probably have less breakouts too.

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