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Nov 19, 2010
Why and How to stop Breaking Out - Adult Acne Cures
by: Anonymous

Acne is in fact so common in adults that about one in every five women over 25 has acne.

What causes acne?
Each acne blemish starts as a clogged pore. Pores clog because the skin cells at the surface of some pores do not shed normally and stick together blocking the pore. When a pore is clogged, the natural oils from the hair follicle build up in the pore creating pressure and an airtight, warm environment for P. acnes, the bacteria responsible for acne, to grow and flourish.

The combination of blocked sebum, bacteria, and white blood cells lead to inflammation and eventually noticeable and tender bumps referred to as acne.
How to treat Acne
If you continue to purchase oil free products or products that exfoliate the skin maybe it is time to try a completely different approach to prevent your skin from breaking out.

"Oil Free? is not necessarily a good thing when treating acne. When your skin gets too dry, its natural response is to create more oil, which can result in more breakouts.

Exfoliating the outer layer of the skin with an exfoliant such as salicylic acid will not stop or heal an infection that is underneath the skin.

Drying the skin will signal the body to create more oil, resulting in more acne. It is often assumed that debris and oil on the outer layer of the skin is the major reason pores become clogged; however, inflammation, often caused by hormonal fluctuations, can cause enlarged clogged, infected pores.
A new product uses benzoyl peroxide,16 unique herbal extracts, essential oils and nutrients that reduce oil, and delivers those ingredients deep into the sebaceous gland to heal acne faster and prevent future breakouts. You can order online at


Thanks for your email regarding adult acne cures. Yes, drying out the skin is not a solution to acne. Exfoliation, proper oil control/balance and inhibiting bacterial growth -- is important in preventing future acne breakouts.

We are all born with a healthy acid mantel (that is the sebum on the surface of your skin) which protects our skin from all types of disorders and helps protect against excess bacteria growth?..very important to acne suffers.

So, what happens to this protection? It is often destroyed by using harsh, chemical laden facial cleansers.

That is why it?s important to use a gentle pH balanced herbal cleanser that not only helps clean the skin well, but also reduce the chance of bacteria growth, and calm any inflammation/irritation.

And, using a water-based moisturizer that helps control and balance the oil levels helps keep the skin balanced, clear, and hydrate.

And, of course you always should exfoliate with natural fruit acids.

These simple - yet gentle - steps for adult acne skin care have been extremely successful for many of my visitors.

Mar 30, 2009
by: Anonymous

I've tried the baking soda and it works great. Thanks! Will try the acne gel next.

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