Comments for Zenmed H-Series Moisturizer - Parabens

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Nov 28, 2011
I have dry skin on my face. What is the best skin moisturizer?
by: Janet


Now that winter is here I'm back to this dry flaky skin on my face again. What happened that moisturizer you mention on this page? I don't see it anymore?

Hi Janet,

That moisturizer was upgraded and improved and now it's called Advanced Vitamin Therapy (AVT).

It's creamier and richer than the last version and perfect for dry, irritated, mature skin or even damaged skin like rosacea.

Have you heard of Argan oil? It's a super hydrating oil that comes from Argan trees - it reportedly contains more nutrients and antioxidants than olive oil.

Well, the new moisturizer now contains Argan Oil in addition to added essential fatty acids along with hyaluronic acid – to cause a super surge in moisture levels - along with vitamins and peptides for anti-aging.

It's really nice, feels great, and is a perfect option if you're mature or concerned about wrinkles. I think you'll like it even better than the older version.

Also, to reduce the appearance of wrinkles AND help hydrate dry skin - check your diet.

Try increasing your protein and fluid intake and add more colorful fruits and veggies to your daily intake.

For example, try a great yogurt and blueberry shake for a snack. Or add some green and yellow peppers to your omelet.

Colorful fruits and veggies - like yellow peppers - contain carotenoids which protect the skin against aging and sun damage. And, as always - drink lots of water or green tea.

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