Accutane Long Term Side Effects and Symptoms

Accutane long term side effects are just coming to light after this drug use has increased over the last few years.

Nobody really realized who serious the long term side effects were until the use of this drug increased over the last few years. 

Serious side affects of Accutane include:

  • Depression 
  • Sucide
  • Psychosis
  • Birth defect
  • Cataracts leading to blindness
  • Hearing problems
  • Allergies
  • Inflammatory bowel disease (IBS)
  • Stokes
  • Seizures
  • …..and more

Accutane Problems

A two-year U.S. congressional investigation found that too many doctors and dermatologists have been prescribing this potent drug for even the mildest of acne cases...........

Even though it was approved for only the extremely severe, scar disfiguring acne cases. 

In fact, statistics showed that up to 90 percent of people receiving Accutane only suffered from mild cases and probably should never have been prescribed the drug in the first place.

Accutane Symptoms

This acne drug is very powerful and was said to “work miracles” in terms of clearing acne symptoms in just a few months.

However, this miraculous drug came with some pretty hefty list of side effects – some were listed as normal common reactions to the drug including:

  • Severe itching
  • Alopecia (thinning hair)
  • Weaker, thinner, more fragile skin
  • Deceased night vision
  • Peeling skin
  • Nosebleeds
  • Sensitivity to light
  • Elevated triglycerides
  • Elevated liver enzymes
  • Joint pain
  • Muscle pain
  • Back pain

The FDA Consumer magazine reported that the drug was known to cause miscarriages and severe birth defects.

However, former users of Accutane said that in addition to permanent hair loss, some patients suffer from severe and debilitating back and joint pain. 

NOTE: Speak to your doctor if you have any concerns or if you're planning on becoming pregnant.

If you plan on taking Accutane or any acne medication with the following names make sure to read the medication insert.

It's important you understand all the risks and benefits before taking it:


There may be some new information that you’ll need to know about. 

Finally, if you suffer from any of the side effects, symptoms or problems listed here, contact your doctor immediately. 

Additional Reading

Alternative to Accutane? While there is no alternative to Accutane some people have decent results using hydroxy acids and light dermabrasion. 

Help for Acne - Get more great information on help for acne...whether you have dry, oil, combination, or mature skin. 

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I used for years and have since stopped, but I still have acne. I read that Accutane might affected my hair loss. I was wondering if anyone had any …

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