Celebrity Face Lifts

Celebrity Face Lifts -- We want to know all about it! When celebrities get any plastic surgery or cosmetic procedure...everyone talks about.

Just turn on the TV and flip a few channels.

You’ll find evidence of celeb plastic surgery – some good and some not so good.

While a few celebrities might wish to age gracefully or use less invasive or natural face lift methods, celebrities and cosmetic surgery face go hand in hand.

However, these days many of the younger celebs opt for either a mini lift procedure or rather than a full invasive plastic surgery procedure.

Let’s take a look at some of the options Celebrities use, and find out a little more about risks and costs.

Celebrity Face Lifts - Natura Looking Lifts

Celebrity face lifts are typically splattered all over the media or very hush-hush.

Not everyone in Hollywood is forthcoming about their procedures, but we know that there’s tremendous pressure to look attractive and young when you’re in the public eye.

If such people do not want to risk a bad face lift they may try the more natural route.

A Natural facelift usually consists of Face Exercises and potent collagen building topical application intended to protect the skin, reduce inflammation, promote healthy skin tissue and rejuvenate the skin.

Studies have proven time and time again that Copper Peptides can actually accomplish this.

Studies have proven time and time again that Copper Peptides can actually accomplish this. 

Maybe this is why they are a favorite among most celebrities?

This celebrity looks fabulous -- very similar to when she was younger.

Unlike a full face lift where you might encounter bad plastic surgery results and end up looking like someone else, natural face lifts will rejuvenate without side effects.

Mini Facelift Procedures

The mini facelift seems to appeal to the celebrity crowd because it can be achieved in one weekend.

There isn’t as much risk involved as there is with full plastic surgery face lifts, it’s more affordable, and creates an improved appearance for cheeks, neck, and jawline.

This particular procedure is good for individuals who have only minor aging that they want corrected. This lift costs between $4,000 and $10,000.

By comparison, a standard plastic surgery face lift can cost upward of $15,000.

Celebrity Facelifts – Good and Bad Plastic Surgery Results

The well-known and wealthy are not immune to bad face lifts. No matter the cost, there are risks involved, especially when someone undergoes numerous procedures.

After a while the skin simply doesn’t heal properly and people begin to look unnatural. Look at Bruce Jenner after 2 nose jobs, implants and 2 face lifts – something seems just off.

Another example is Mickey Rourke whose had three implants and more than one rhinoplasty making his face look incredibly stretched and tight.

Add to that Joan Rivers and Michael Jackson and you begin to see that plastic surgery is not the end-all and be-all solution in the entertainment industry.

On a happier note there are Celebrity Face Lifts that go off without a hitch and bring out the individual’s best attributes.

Examples of this include Kim Kardashian. She looks like she made minor adjustments to her face that if left alone will carry her for several years of attractiveness.

A second celebrity to benefit from a good face lift is Charlie Sheen. His nose job created a very strong, masculine look that fits his face nicely.

And third, but not least is Miss Korea (2006) whose altered looks were so stunning as to create a controversy in the contest world about “altered” appearances.

Happy Endings?

Basically celebs can suffer from bad face lifts results just like everyone else. The key is that a person considering this route should educate themselves and find reputable counsel on what is best considering the overall goal.

We've all seen too many bad plastic surgery results to know that money is everything.

Realistic expectation and results is crucial along with a good doctor in which you have excellent communications with, so you understand the risks and the benefits involved.

To avoid bad plastic surgery results, consider a natural mini face procedure you can do home.

Facial exercises can not only lift and fill out a sagging face, but the extra massaging helps stimulate collagen and brings nutrients to the skin....so over time it becomes firmer and less crepey.

Creams, rollers, and other gadgets can't change, improve, or lift underlying muscles. That's is why incorporating a face exercise routine along with good skin care techniques is your best bet for looking younger as you age.

Click here to see a sampling of the types of facial exercises I found to be extremely helpful.

Additional Reading - Celebrity Face Lifts

Hide Wrinkles- Derma Filler - This cream acts like a topical derma filler to fill-in fine lines and large pores. Try this before applying your makeup for a smoother "airbrushed" look.

How To Have Clear Skin - Many times the products we use put our skin out of balance. So we see blackheads, large pores, or uneven moisture balance. Get your skin off the roller coaster and back to normal.

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Photos courtesy of Dr. Tony Youn's Celebrity Cosmetic Surgery Blog and Gary Gershoff/Getty Images North America.

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