Red Itchy Skin

Please help me deal with my red itchy skin. I have bumps all over my body that itch alot.


Thanks for your email regarding itchy skin and bumps. Itchy skin is a very common problem for many people, especially women and children. Doctors don't know why but they think that itchy skin problems tend to appear more often in people who easily become allergic to things.

Here are some suggestions for you. Take a look at your diet and see if there is a connection between what you eat and if you tend to itch more. Certain foods that could cause allergies are: dairy, soy, eggs, nuts, and gluten. Keep a diary for a week or so and see if you find a connection.

In addition to food, you could be allergic to certain detergents or soaps. Have you recently changed to a new laundry detergent, body soap, or moisturizer?

Also, try to increase your intake of fish oil supplements and yogurt (acidophhillus). These two nutrients have been shown in studies to reduce all types of skin flare-ups in as little as 30 days.

Finally, you can consider trying a homeopathic product called Skin Dr.. This product is placed under your tongue and dissolves slowly. Over time, research shows it helps boost your immunity to most common allergens. So that your skin won't over-react when it comes in contact with most common allergens. Click here to read more.....

Types of Skin Rashes.

I hope this information has helped.

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Itchy Skin Rash

by Darlene


I suffer from itchy red bumpy rash almost every summer. Those cortisone creams from the drugstore really don't work that well. They reduce the itch a little bit, but the redness and stinging is still there. Plus the cream rubs right off on my clothes.

I tried of this. Do you have any natural remedies or suggestions? Is there something I can do naturally to get rid of these rashes for good?
Hi Darlene,
Thanks for your email. Yes, there is something you can do to help reduce your chances of getting those rashes all the time. I found a great natural homeopathic tonic that is not only great for rashes, but helps promote healthier skin from the inside....sort of like a skin vitamin.

It's called Skin Dr. and there no messy creams to worry about because you take one tiny tablet and let it dissolve under your tongue. Within a couple of weeks, you'll see a big difference in your skin.

I don't have a problem with rashes, but I used to get bad reactions from any type of bug bite - which is why I investigated this product. But now, I keep using it because my skin looks healthier all over my body and it's more hydrated.

I hate using creams on my body, especially in the hot summer months,so this internal tonic is perfect for me.

You can read more about it here.....
Native Remedies Skin Dr. .

Let me know how you like it.

Linda, Admin

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Itchy Groin, please help!

I have an embarrassing itchy groin problem - can you tell me some suggestions?


An itchy groin is pretty common, so don't feel to bad about it. It's just as common in women as men and the main reason is yeast overgrowth.

Keeping your groin area clean and dry during the day can help. And at night, you may wish to consider applying Itch Dr..

Itch Dr. helps to regulate normal levels of yeast, bacteria, and even fungi. This product works very well and is so soothing....stopping the itch almost immediately.

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Skin Rash Pictures - Help

I saw the skin rash pictures on your site and realized that I suffer from rashes. I thought it was a skin rash and tried all kinds of creams that didn't work. Then I thought it might have been eczema and tried creams for that, but my red itchy bumps keep coming back. Do you have any suggestions? I'm getting tired of the constant itching and redness.


Yes, I have a great suggestion for your constant rash problem. When you find that you're always prone to skin rashes or eczema and creams don't stop the problem, consider addressing the situation from the inside.

Homeopathy is an old form of alternative medicine that treats diseases and disorder by using a small amount of remedies to cure the symptoms and causes of the disease.

If you're not getting results for you rash or eczema through conventional creams and lotions....consider trying a very safe homeopathic remedy specifically formulated to help relieve acute skin problems and purify your entire body….especially the liver which is linked very closely with skin health.

Certain homeopathic nutrients and biochemical tissue salts like Nat Mur, Kali Mur, Galium, Urtica ur and others help target blood and lymph cleansing which not only detoxifies the whole body, but also supports proper hydration of the skin.

Homeopathic medicine is very easy to take and very safe with no side effects or contraindication with other medications. They usually involve one very tiny pill, that's placed under the tongue.

You can read more about it here: Pictures of Skin Rash.

Also, there is a discount on this product. If you enter the code: AFCI15, you'll get a 15% discount. So now is a great time to try it.

Please let me know if I can help you more.

Linda, Admin Wrinkle Free Skin Tips

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Types of skin rashes on hands

by Joan


I used to get really bad rashes on and in between my fingers and on the palm of my hands. I didn't know what to do and it was getting worse. Then I found I out I was allergic to my all of my house hold cleansers....especially the oven cleaner. I started wearing rubber gloves whenever I clean the house and guess what the rash is gone.

Just wanted to share that with anyone else who may be allergic to their soaps and cleansers.


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