Hate Those Spots on Legs and Arms?

Are you dealing with brown age spots on your legs? You know those uneven, ugly, coffee colored dots.

That make you want to run for cover no matter how hot is it outside?

Well, the truth is, getting rid of them is very hard.

While there are several procedures available - like laser and chemical peels - they don't always remove the spots completely. 

Sometimes you're left with half a brown spot, sometimes your left with a white scar and sometimes nothing happens except your wallet is a bit lighter.

Why lasers won't remove spots?

The dermis on this part of the body is much thicker - which is why removing any discoloration so difficult and unpredictable. 

In order to really get good clean results you may need several treatments to complete eradicate them - which can cost thousands of dollars. 

One treatment alone can run about $300-$400 for just a small area. Image the cost for treating all of those spots in the picture above?

And, that's just for one leg! I just can't afford that!

Try to hide spots on the legs

After many, many years of researching and testing products, I found one that holds up pretty well in water, heat/sweat, won't transfer to your clothes, and lasts for days with just one application.

It's also great to hide varicose veins, scars, tattoos, bruises, or any other imperfections on your legs, arms and entire body. 

My favorite is the Dermablend Body cover up cream, it works pretty good. You can get this body cream at any Ulta , Sephora or even cheaper at Amazon.

To be honest - some of it does transfer to your clothes at first.  But, if you read my tips (Listed Below) on how to apply Dermablend for the best results you can reduce this problem.

However, I wouldn't recommend using it on the body cover up on your face, as it may cause breakouts for some.

Click here to read more about what you CAN use safely and effectively for the spots on your face.

Got Pale Skin? If you just wish to have more color on your legs – so they're not so pale – get the Right to Bare Legs in a slightly darker color than your natural tone for a bronzy summer tan look.

Tips on Using Dermablend on The Legs

I would like to offer some tips to make the application easier. Because this cream dries quickly and stays on so well, you must work quickly when applying it.

And, make sure to apply a moisturizer (it comes with one, but any type will do) before using the cover-up.

Apply a moisturizer and let it dry slightly. Then in small sections quickly apply the cream and blend well – covering small sections at a time.

For example:

  • Apply to the front of your calf with one application - making sure to blend quickly and evenly.

  • Then, apply a small amount to the back of the calf.

  • Repeat the same for the front of your upper leg…from the knees to the upper thighs.

  • Then do the same for the back of the upper leg.

  • If you're going to wear a bathing suit, don't forget to bring that cream all the way up into the bathing suit line :-)

    After applying it, let it set for about 5-10 minutes. Then put on some old clothing (something you don't mind getting slightly stained).

    While the Right To Bare Legs product does state that it won't transfer to your clothes a small amount initially does rub off.

    But this is a good thing - After a small amount has rubbed off, your legs look naturally tanned and the spots are much less noticeable as they blend in with the makeup color.

    Don't be discouraged, you might need to practice a few times at first to get it natural looking coverage, but it is SO WORTH IT.

    The biggest mistake you can make is not to use a moisturizer first. This will make it very hard to blend well.

    Another Tip for Hiding Spots on Legs and Other Places

    I like to use a self-tanning cream as my moisturizer base. This way, I get a natural looking tan as a base which makes it easier cover those nasty spots and other discolorations.

    Good luck, I hope this information helped.

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