Comments for Biosil Natrol Reviews for Collagen

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Jun 23, 2017
Good results with Biosil
by: Anonymous

I am 79 years old, and until I began taking Biosil capsules, my nails split and cracked. For the 1st time in my life, my nails are strong with no splitting. I'm a believer.


Thanks for sharing your experience with Biosil. Yes, my nails always cracked. Actually, the top layer would peel aways in chips and then the nail would eventually just tear.

This has been an issue for me since I was a teenager. So I knew it wasn't an age issue, just weak nails. When I began taking Biosil all of that changed.

The only downside (for me) in taking Biosil is that I have to cut my nails and hair more often.

I don't get my nails done professionally (not into manicures:-)) but I do get my hair cut and styled and wish it would last longer.

But the good part is if I don't like a new cut or style - it won't take long for it to grow out.


Mar 20, 2016
heartburn pill and biosil
by: annemarie

I have to take a heartburn pill every morning so i was just wondering if i can take it the same time as biosil or will the heartburn pill will block the effects of my biosil.


Hi Annemarie,

I am not aware of any problems taking Biosil with heartburn medication. And I could not find any research or documentation stating that it is contraindicated with this type of medication.

However, to be absolutely sure check with your doctor or local pharmacist. Or consider taking Biosil at a different time....Say with lunch or at bedtime.

Hope this helps.

May 24, 2013
I break out in the chin area
by: Anonymous

I noticed breakouts in the chin and upper neck area after using Biosil. I stopped for two weeks and the itching and breakouts went away. I took one last night and again I broke out in a rash in the same areas. I is supposedly safe for vegetarians, so I do not know why the breakouts.
Natrol's Biosil uses vegetarian capsules. As far as Biosil causing breakouts - at this time there are no documented studies supporting this fact and Biosil has been around for a long time.

But as you know anyone can have an unusual reaction to almost anything.

I did read a review on Amazon two years ago where the woman claimed that she not only experienced breakouts, but itching on the scalp area.

If you suspect that the breakouts are due to the Biosil, it's best to discontinue and send the product back for a refund.

Additional Reading.....


BioSil Side Effects and Reviews.

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