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Sep 18, 2018
Biosil and hair loss
by: Marnie

I started using Natural Factors Biosil in Dec/2016 because of significant hairloss and I was very happy when my hairloss stopped shortly after and new hair growth filled in the sparse areas.

This lasted till Aug/2017 but to my dismay my hairloss returned with a vengeance even though I'm still taking 5 drops of Biosil 2 times a day.

However my nails still continue to grow rapidly.

Do you think my hairloss resumption is caused by taking too much Biosil as I read that you said after a while to reduce the dosage to 5 drops once a day or is the Natural Factors Biosil not as effective as Natrol Biosil?

I also noticed when I first started Biosil the crepiness of my skin smoothed out but after Aug/17 it returned.

Why do you think Biosil stopped working for my hairloss and crepey skin when it worked so well before?


Hi Marnie,

Please understand that I never suggested altering the dosage recommendation of Bisol.

I've always been firm in stating that you should follow the dosage recommendation printed on the label.

As to why the hair loss and crepey skin came back but your nails are still growing fine - it's impossible for me to say. But it is confusing for sure. Maybe something else is going on? Have you checked with your doctor? Could be hormonal issues - especially with dry crepy skin too.

A complete blood test would be a good idea. Talk to your doctor about this.

Also, it is possible that there is a difference between the two Biosil brands. Natural Factors has slightly different dosage recommendations than Natrol's BioSil.

I've never tried Natural Factors BioSil, only the Natrol brand.

May 16, 2018
by: Ruth

I was just diagnosed with arthritis in my back and neck. Have there been any studies that show BioSil helps with arthritis?

Thank you,


Hi Ruth, thanks for your question regarding Biosil and arthritis.

Biosil supplements are known to increase levels of hydroxyproline, which is a key amino acid required for the production of collagen and elastin. less joint stiffness in a few months.

Recent studies done at the Netherlands Institute of Rheumatology and other European centers found that the main ingredient in Biosil (choline-stablilized orthosilic acid - (CH-OSA)), helped ease the pain of osteoarthritis of the knee.

The study demonstrated that after 12 weeks of treatment CH-OSA reduced pain, stiffness, and improved function of the knee of men.

If your doctor approves, it might be worth giving Biosil a try.

Hope this helps.

Mar 29, 2018
Breakouts? Headache
by: Taylor

I started taking Biosil and started breaking out and getting a headache. And I was curious if it was related to me taking Biosil?

Hi Taylor, I've never heard of this type of reaction to Biosil. The only side effect I have heard of is an upset stomach and that is usually due to taking more than recommend.

If you think it's the biosil you should probably just continue for a while and see if the headaches and breakouts go away. Also you might want to speak to your doctor about this it could be something else going on.

Oct 17, 2016
Plaveisel cancer
by: Elize mom has a skin cancer called plaveisel cancer on her head. She had last year a 10 day radiation. The state hospital said nothing else can be done. The cancer is still growing. I can send a photo.

The hospital said i have to clean the wound which is 15cm x 15cm on her head with salt water. I use Biosil everyday to clean my navel piercing...

I wondered can I use biosil to clean my mom's wound and maybe give her to take orally daily to help a immune system?

Please advise. She is 81 and its terrible to see my beautiful mom like this everyday.

Editor's Note:

Hello Elize. I'm very sorry about your mother, I know how devastating it is to watch a loved one - especially your own mother - suffer.

I am not a physician so I cannot advice on such topics as cancer. However, I never heard of anyone using liquid Biosil to clean wounds. To the best of my knowledge, liquid or capsule Biosil is to be taken orally - as a vitamin supplement.

People usually purchase the liquid form because they can not or do not like to swallow capsules. But, I've heard of it being used topically for wound healing.

Please check with mother's physician before giving her any supplements - orally or topically. Cancer is a very complicated disease and sometimes certain cancer treatments can be negated by certain supplements. It's very important that her doctor is aware of anything else she is taking in addition to prescribed medication.

I hope that helps.

Mar 26, 2016
Digestive side effects?
by: Anonymous

I have been taking Biosil supplements for about a month now and have started noticing a strange smell from bowel movements, a sour odour, and wondered if this is a side effect, since the product contains a type of acid.

I don't feel ill or notice anything unusual, in fact, my joints seem to be feeling much healthier and I am able to do more physical activity without the usual joint pains I had been experiencing.

Others have mentioned a bad taste, but nothing about smells. I had my gallbladder removed about 2 years ago, so my liver has to metabolize all my food now.

Maybe that is the answer, although no one else has mentioned it. Recent lab tests I had done show everything is normal.


Hi, I have never heard or ready any studies that indicate that Biosil causes strange smelling bowl movements. But, one side effect of Biosil (if you take more than is indicated on the label) is that it can cause some digestive distress like gas or bloating.

However, this is only when a person takes more than is recommended.

If in doubt, try discounting the product for a few weeks to see if it makes a difference. If it goes away, start taking it again and see if it happens again.

When in doubt, discontinue using and check with your doctor. Hope this helps.

Feb 19, 2016
Is constipation a side effect of taking Biosil?
by: Maddy

I took Biosil for one month and loved the results of it on my skin, hair, and nails. BUT, I suffered from constipation. My friend also starting taking Biosil at the same time and also had problems with constipation. Has anyone else experienced this? Is this a common side effect of Biosil?


Hi There,

To the best of my knowledge, there is no documented information or studies linking Biosil with constipation.

In fact, the opposite is true if Biosil is taken in higher doses - especially in the liquid form.

Doses higher than what is recommended on the label has been linked to GI distress and diarrhea.

To know for sure what (if any) effects Biosil might have on you, stop using it for few days and then restart again and see if there is any change in your constipation issues.

Hope this helps.

Jul 15, 2015
side effect?
by: Trudi

I have not taken this product for years. I just added it to my holistic herbs & vitamins. I have noticed that I am getting headaches now, where I had none before, could this be possible? I am 68 and on no prescription drugs.

Hi Trudi,

I'm not a physician but do agree with the most common advice whenever you take start a new supplement or medication.....Is to stop taking it if you feel ill or have unusual symptoms.

That being said, I have not read about any serious side effects of Natrol's (formerly Jarrow Formulas) Biosil Supplements.

Also, been taking Natrol's Biosil supplements for years and have never had any problems.

However, some people have experienced loose stools, stomach cramping, or diarrhea if they take more than the recommended dosage.

You can read more about the Side Effects and Studies on Biosil Here...

And, this usually happens when they take the Biosil in liquid form. I think it's much easier to over do it with the liquid compared to the capsules.

Hope this helped.

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