Home Remedies for acne and treating dark circles around eyes

by urvashi

I have a lot of acne and their spots on my face(forehead,nose and cheeks. I also have dark circles around my eyes.

Please suggest me how I can reduce these by using homemade products.
Hello Urvash,

Thanks for your email. There are several natural acne remedies you can try. I don't know if your skin is oily or dry, so I sent remedies on both.

Try a weekly soothing mask that will help clean and exfoliate pores without over dry or irritating the skin. This is very important because acne prone skin is very sensitive and is easily irritated which causes it to look even worse.

Try one of these two mask (depending on whether you have dry or oily skin).

Honey Apple Acne Mask

If your skin is normal to dry and you suffer from acne, this unusual soothing yet, cleansing mask is very helpful because it won’t irritate inflamed acne prone skin. Honey contains enzymes that are a wonderful, natural exfoliate and this will help clean and clear pores without over drying.

•Grate ½ of a medium apple into a bowl
•Add 3-4 tablespoons of honey
•Mix well together and smooth over your clean skin. Let it soak in for about 20 minutes and rinse off well.
•Apply a moisturize specifically formulated for acne prone skin

Egg White Lemon Acne Mask

If you suffer from acne and oily skin use the egg white mask with lemon juice.

•Add two egg whites (discard the yolk) and ½ teaspoon of lemon juice to a deep bowl. If your skin is very oily, add 1 teaspoon of lemon juice.
•Whip the mixture until foamy and apply to clean face and other areas (neck, chest) where you have acne breakouts. Let

it dry then rinse it off with coo water.

Here are some after mask care tips

•Apply a non-oily, moisturizer especially made for acne prone skin.

•Try not to apply makeup for a few hours. Let your clean skin rest with nothing on it but a acne formulated moisturizer.

For the red spots, aside from trying lemon juice, there really aren't too many home made recipes. You need a salicylic acid/bleaching type gel to lighten the spots. You can read more about that here... Effective Acne Scar Removal.

I know of a very effective herbal acne remedy that helps heal and stop acne break outs. It involves 3 steps - one of which is a herbal supplement that you take internally. It's effective because it helps stop acne from the inside as well as the outside. Click Here To Read More.

In reference to dark circles, there can be many reasons for dark circles and finding the right remedy means first finding the reason/cause. Is it hereditary? Are you naturally dark skinned? This is very common in people of color. Is due to allergies, like food allergies? Do you notice that some days it seems worse than others?

If you answered yes to any of the above, there is not much you can do short of using a concealer or seeking an allergist to find out what is causing your allergies.

Some home remedies you can try is massaging almond oil around the dark circles before going to bed. Also, in the morning try placing cold cucumbers on your eyes for 10 minutes.

Sometimes dark circles are really due to shadows created by puffy eyes.

Good luck, I hope I was able to help you.

Linda, Admin Wrinkle Free Skin Tips

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How to Heal Acne

Can you give me some simple tips on how to heal acne?
Hi Thanks for your email.

Follow this link to read about a few simple steps that can help you heal your acne. Also, be sure to view the video too.

Click here Click Here to Read More

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Best Vitamins For Acne?? Acne Herbal Remedies?

What are the Best Vitamins For Acne?


I like to use herbs to clean the endocrine system from the inside. When you do this - your topical treatments work better. Relying on just topical treatments to heal acne is only 1/2 of the solution.

Herbs like: Neem, forsythia, chaste tree, honeysuckle, red dahlia, and a few others can help clear out the live and detoxify the endocrine system....This helps stop the acne before the breakouts can damage the skin and leave acne scars.

Click here Acne Herbal Remedies to learn more and to find out where you can get these herbs in one small easy to take capsule.

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FDA Approved Acne Product

What do you about any FDA approved acne product?


The problem with most FDA approved acne products are that they require a prescription and - for most people - they are too harsh and have lots of side effects including liver disorder.

These drugs are especially a problem for women who could or wish to become pregnant. Also, drugs won't help heal the problem of why you suffer from acne in the first place.

A better way to go is to use a natural, organic, herbal ----- yet very effective ---- product. A product that does the following:

1. cleans the skin (without drying),

2. heal the current breakouts, reduce bacteria and inflammation.

3. stop acne internally by regulating hormonal levels and the entire endocrine system. This is where most acne starts in the first place.

You can read more about it here: All Natural Derma Cleanse® System.

This is the right way to go if you really want to heal the acne from the inside out.

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How come my natural acne treatment stopped working??!!

by Jolly

every time a try a natural acne treatment product it works for about 2 to 3 weeks and then my breakouts come back again? Am I doing someting wrong?? I'm so frustrated!

Hi Jolly,

That's called a rebound effect. The product you were using -- even though the product was supposed to be an natural cure for acne -- was probably still too strong for your skin type.

It could have irritated the skin which cause the oil glands to over produce - in a few weeks.

Read more about it here and see/read pictures and testimonies from real staff users. all natural acne treatment that won't irritate skin.

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is there a natural acne cure?

by Steven

Do you have any suggestion for a natural acne cure?
Hi Steven,

Thanks for your question. The worst part of treating acne is that it often causes a lot of damage to the skin. Especially, if you're older and trying to deal with wrinkles too.

I think the best natural acne cure should be organic, gentle and help to encourage collagen production and healthy skin.

It should clean the skin and unclog pores without stripping oils. It should also help to tighten the skin and encourage collagen production.

Also, you need to heal the skin from inside and detoxify the endocrine system, liver and regulate hormones.

ZenMed makes an effective acne cure product that accomplishes these key steps in healing acne and uses all organic, herbal, and homeopathic ingredients. I love their product line and have done lots of research and found them to be the best.

Click here to read more about this simple natural acne cure. You can also read more about Zenmed and see their before and after pictures when you visit their site.

I hope this information helps. Please let me know if you have anymore questions.

Linda, Admin Wrinkle Free Skin Tips

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How can I heal my acne once and for all ? !!!

Help me heal acne.

Hi There,

There are a few basic steps you need to do to beging healing acne.....

1. Reduce the excess oil production(without over drying and damaging your skin) and

2. Clear out pores so your skin will look smoother.

A few times a week, try steaming your face over a hot bowl of water to open the pores and soften the pores. Then try to exfoliate the skin lightly with a mixture of baking soda and or sugar. Massage lightly over the most affected areas.

Also use a good salicylic acid or glycolic acid gel to help exfoliate the dead skin cells. Pour some on a cotton ball and rub on the affected areas a few times a week.

This type of lotion/gel helps to also "peel" away the top damaged layer of the skin. It also helps to "erase" away red, blotchy skin.

This type of gel -- over long term will give you a smoother, lighter, more even toned complexion. Click here To Read More - Dermabrasion For Scars.

Also, make sure your not using a soap that is too harsh. That is a big mistake many acne suffers make. This only aggravates the skin and dries it out…causing more break outs in the long run.

Click here to read more information Help for acne. You need to use more organic, sensitive skin care products for acne skin to reduce inflammation.

Finally, consider using herbs to heal your skin internally...many people forget this essential part.

Hope this helps,

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How To heal acne


I need help healing my acne prone skin...it's a mess!


Thank you for your email.

There are a few basic steps you need to begin healing acne.....

1. Reduce the excess oil production(without over drying and damaging your skin) and

2. Clear out pores so your skin will look smoother.

For natural remedies - try steaming your face over a hot bowl of water, with a towel covering your head. Or take a sauna or hot shower.

Then once the pores are opened and the oil plugs are soft try to exfoliate gently using a mixture of baking soda and sugar. Mix the two together into a paste and massage lightly over the affected area. Be sure to rinse well.

Also, a few times a week apply a cotton ball soaked in lemon juice over the affected area. If you skin is very sensitive, don't use the lemon juice right after the scrub. Wait until later or the next day.

In addition to natural remedies I highly recommend a more aggressive approach. You see the natural remedies won't stop the oil production - which causes those black heads and clog pores.

I recommend a 3 step approach which includes a scrub, face wash, and Chinese herbs that treat healthy skin from the inside and helps to balance stress and hormones that cause excess oil production.

Click here to read more:

Acne Herbal Remedies

These 3 Steps come together in one package. I have had a lot of success with this system and it's very health to the skin internally and externally ...especially those herbs which also help clear out the liver.

As a health advisor I use to recommend these herbs for people who had any type of skin disorder, not just acne.

Please keep me posted and let me know how it goes.

Linda, Admin Wrinkle Free Skin Tips

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How To Heal Acne Scars

by Vijaya

I want to remove acne scars.

Hello Vijaya,

There is a pretty promising way to reduce the appearance of acne once your acne has healed.

This is 2 step dermabrasion cream and lotion combination. A good dermabrasion cream has tiny exfoliating abrasive microsphers to slowly slough off the top layers of the skin - revealing smoother skin underneath.

The dermabrasion lotion helps to also "peel" away the top damaged layer of the skin. It also helps to "erase" away red, blotchy skin.

The two combined together over long term will give you a smoother, lighter, more even toned complexion. Click here To Read More - Dermabrasion For Scars.

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Fast Remedies For Acne - How to Heal Acne?? Help

by Tara

Hi, I need some fast remedies for acne. Also, I need to find something that really works to heal acne, please offer some advice!!.

Hi Tara,

Hello Tara,

Thanks for your email regarding fast remedies for acne. Finding remedies to heal acne is one of the most frequently asked questions I get.

As a health advisor for over 25 years, I've done lots of research trying to find products that actually reduce acne breakouts and heal damaged, skin.

While there are a lot of acne products out there, many don't work because they are too harsh and aggravate already damaged skin. And, they only work on one or two areas....to effectively heal acne, you need to address the skin 3 ways:

1. You need an effective cleanser to help eliminate bacteria - that causes acne - and keep pores clean. But, it's very important that this cleanser is gentle because acne prone is very sensitive and often already damaged.

2. You need to use a salicylic acid/witch hazel lotion every day to reduce swelling, exfoliate the top damaged skin cells and lighten red spots.

3. You MUST attack acne from the inside! There are certain Chinese herbs that help detoxify, clear, and heal skin from inside the body by supporting healthy lymphatic drainage and liver function.

I found a great all natural vegan GMP certified herbal supplemental formula that's actually good for everyone with skin problems....not just acne. This is step is probably the most overlooked step for healing acne!

Click on this link to read more - if you are interested in this 3 step formula. It's called the Derma Cleanse system.

Derma Cleanse.

I hope this has helped, let me know if you have any more questions.

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