What is the Best Face Wash for Oily skin and the Best Moisturizer for oily face

by Maria

What's the best moisturizer and face wash for oily skin? I always have such an oily face no matter what I use.

Then I use a harsh soap to get rid of the oily, my skin gets really tight and flaky, but still greasy!!...please help?

Hi Maria,

First of all - never use regular soap on your face. Soap is not pH balanced and will strip the acid mantel from your skin. The acid mantel is extremely important to maintain healthy skin.

Over time, once the acid mantel is destroyed - your skin becomes susceptible to a variety of skin disorders like acne, eczema, psoriasis, and more. And it's hard to recover once these disorders set in.

Make sure you use a specific moisturizer for oily skin. Ones that don't contain pore clogging oils and are pH balanced.

There are some great herbs that can help "gently" clean the skin and reduce excess oil without cause an more to be produced.

I use this one during the hot summer months. Plus, it's free from additives,chemicals, parabens, and perfumes.

Click on this link to read more Treating Oily Skin Tips.

Let me know if you try it - I'm curious on your feed back, because it works really well for my skin which is a combination of (dry in the winter and oily in the summer.)


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Oily Skin and Lots of Blackheads


What can do about my oily skin. It runs in my family, my mom, my sisters....I've tried all kinds of face powder, blotting papers, oil free makeup, special cleansers and nothing works. I've even changed my diet, but my skin is like an oil well!! And I'm constantly breaking out. Any suggestions for something natural?


Thanks for your question. I seem to get a lot of questions about dealing with oily skin as it does cause a lot of other skin problems. My favorite recommendation is a natural vitamin B extract that stops the oil from being produced within the body. Click here to read more Oily Skin Tips Using d-Calcium Pantothenate.

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oily skin tips

Do you have any oils skin tips and tips on how to heal acne?

You can try several things for oily skin. One try taking higher doses of Pantotheninc acid, which is vitamin B5.

Pantothenic acid helps to create high amounts of Coenzyme-A and those who suffer from oily skin don't have enough Coenzyme-A.

Consider taking about 2 grams. This is a pretty high amount, so it is advisable to start low and work your way up. And take this in divide the dosage throughout the day with food.

Also, try to use an effective face wash that hydrates without over drying.

Click here to read more about How To Control Oily Skin.

I hope this helps,
Linda, Admin Wrinkle Free Skin Tips

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Best Facial Cleanser for Dry Sensitive/Oily/Acne Prone Skin???Help!!!

by Valerie
(Ft. Lauderdale, Fl)


My skin is driving me crazy. One time it's oily and breaking out and if I use something for oily acne prone skin, it becomes dry sensitive and flaky.

I have blackheads, whiteheads, and big pores too. I need advice on a simple skin care routine that will balance out my skin but not over dry or make it breakout.

Please give me some advice. Do you have any research on what is the best facial cleanser for all skin types?


Hi Valerie,

Thanks for your email. I have the Perfect solution for skin like yours that seems to be all over the place. It seems the products you're using are too much one way or the other....And you're not alone. Many people tend to chose the wrong products or use too many different type of products causing more skin distress than is necessary.

I like to keep things simple and have found very simple, organic, holistic 3 step program that will give you beautiful, well behaved, balanced skin. This program is GREAT for reducing blackheads and enlarged pores. And, it also helps prevent premature aging of the skin.

It invovles 3 simple steps:

A - Facial cleansing gel
B - A renewing serum to exfoliate and stimulate collagen
C - An oil free moisturizer to hydrate the skin and keep it smooth and glowing.

I absolutely, LOVE this routine! Click here to read more.....Three Step Skin Care System.

Please let me know how you like it.

Linda, Admin Wrinkle Free Skin Tips

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Oily skin - nothing works!!

by Terrie

I have really oily skin and have tried every product on the market. Is something natural I can try? I’m so tired of spending money on products that don’t work. Please help. I also, suffer from a lit bit of acne on my cheeks and chin.Please help me!!!



Hi Terrie,

Thanks for your question. For treating oily skin, there’s a great natural supplement that’s been sold in China for years and is finally available here in the states.

It’s an extract of vitamin B5 and known to work as powerful as Accutane, but without all the toxic side effects and cost. Click here to read more about Treating Oily Skin Naturally.

Let me know how this works for you. I've heard great things about it from my other visitors.

Linda, Admin

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What's the best for oil dry skin?

My skin is so dry during cold times. What should I use? My moisturizer is not working. Should I try something heavier like some kind of baby oil or something? Please help, my face looks so dry!

Hello, Thanks for your question regarding the best oil for dry skin. Oil is not necessarily going to hydrate your skin. Plus, it can cause pimples and breakouts.

What you need is a rich, moisture intensive cream that will protect your natural moisturizing factor and hydrate your skin.

The cleaner and purer your cream, the better. This super creamy, super rich moisturizer doesn't contain preservatives, colors, or fragrances ......why does your skin need all that junk anyway?

Click here to read more....best facial moisturizer for severely dry skin

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Too much oil on skin

Help, I have too much oil on my skin What's the best facial moisturizer for my skin type? Or should I not use a moisturizer?


Thanks for your email regarding too much oil on the skin. Yes, you still need to use a moisturizer, even if you have oily skin.

It is possible to have dehydrated skin that is oily on the surface. I found a great oil free, organic moisturizer that not only hydrates the skin, but also helps control oil production …..naturally without harsh or drying chemicals.

I love this moisturizer in the summer time, because I have dry skin, that gets greasy and shiny looking whenever I get too warm.

Click here to read more about this great cream and to find out how to control oily skin

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please help me control oily skin

I need help controlling my oily skin.



Thanks for your email. To control oily skin there are a few life style changes that you should know about. First, don't get too much sun, this will cause more oily production. Second, avoid very hot water and aggressive facial cleansers. Most people with oily skin think they need to do this to get rid of the excess oil, but it will only do the opposite and produce more oil.

Wash your face with a gentle, yet effect, alcohol free, pH balanced cleanser. This will calm down overly hype oil production and help clear out pores.

If your skin feels tight, you probably need a moisturizer, even if someone has oily skin, they may still require an oil free hydrating product. Believe it or not, this will also help calm over production of oil.

For both the wash and moisturizer, I highly recommend and love Zenmed products. They are organic and contain herbal plant essences...very gentle to the skin and yet healing and effective. You can read more here....

Healing Oily Skin.

Also, try taking a B5 supplement along zinc daily to help with the production Coenzyme A and reduce the chances of the excess oil causing acne. Oil and bacteria is the number one reason for acne breakouts. Studies show that people with low levels of coenzyme A have too much oil production. You can't take coenzyme A as a supplement, but it's something your body makes from vitamin B5 or pantothenic acid.

Follow this link to read more....

Control Oily Skin Tips

I hope this has been helpful.

Linda, Admin Wrinkle Free Skin Tips

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Oily, Shinny Skin

by K. C.

I am over 40 and know that I should use a moisturizer, but whenever I use one my skin stays shiny all day. Can you suggest a moisturizer for oily/aging skin that won't make me oily all day?
Hi there,

I just love ZenMed Oil Free moisturizer which is very moisturizing, but also helps prevent shinny skin--which I suffer from too.

This moisturizer is very light and helps balance oil levels without over drying the skin – it’s perfect for oily, normal, or combination skin. Also, it won’t clog pores.

Hope this helps,

Linda, Admin

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Very Oily Skin With Blackheads and Clogged Pores

by Dawn

Q: My forehead, nose lower cheeks, and chin are EXTREEMLY Oily!! BUT the skin under my eyes and tops of cheeks are very dry and flaky.

Also, I have tons of blackheads and clogged pores on my nose, forehead and chin. It’s a mess and I don’t know where to start. There are so many products out there and they seem to be geared toward specific problems like acne or eczema – but I don’t think I have that. I don’t breakout that often, but my skin looks terrible from all the blackheads, clogged pores and oily shine. Please help me!!


Hi Dawn,

A: Hi, sometimes the products we use to eliminate or reduce oil over-dries the skin and causes even more oil to be produced – leading to more blackheads and clogged pores.

You see, when too much oil is produced the pores get blocked, then it traps oil, dead skin and bacteria in the hair follicles. In normal healthy skin, the right amount of oil is produced, comes up through the pore, through the hair follicle and spreads out onto the skin, keeping it moist and healthy.

But in the case of oily skin it's a vicious cycle -- you over wash to reduce oil which cause even more oil to be produced, then the hair follicle becomes blocked -- so the oil can’t get out and then blackheads form overtime due to the oxidized oil. You want to slow this cycle down and try to normalize and calm the skin.

So first....start using a gentle homemade scrub of baking soda. Just pour a little baking soda into your hand, add water or a cleanser and make a paste. Then very lightly scrub the paste over the entire face (avoid under eye area). Try using a gentle cleanser that's not harsh or over drying or loaded with chemicals and perfumes. A good one is Zenmed Facial Cleansing Gel. It's recommended for Acne prone skin because it helps reduce debris and bacteria on the skin and calm inflammation.

These two items will slowly help unclog the pores and reduce the blackheads.....keep in mind this may take a few weeks.

The next thing you should do is heal the skin from the inside out. Studies show that people with problem skin are low in the mineral zinc. So consider taking the mineral zinc (15 mg – 30 mg) per day -- for healthy skin.

Another important vitamin to take if you have excess oily skin is a special form of vitamin B5 that helps reduce excess oil production from within the body - Before it has a chance to spread up into the pores and cause breakouts and blackheads. You can read more about this innovative supplement here Treating Oily Skin.

Hope this helps,
Linda, Admin

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Tea Tree Oil Blemish Stick - How To Treat Breakouts

by Sue

I need some natural help on how to treat my breakouts. I would like to try some home remedies for acne blemishes like tea tree oil blemish stick to treat face blemishes. What do think?

Hi Sue,

Thanks for your email. While I'm a big advocate of natural remedies - when it comes to acne there really isn't just one simple approach.

I have seen articles that state that you need a really good cleanser to help clear acne.

Then another article says what you really need is to exfoliate your skin well to clear acne.

Then yet another that promotes herbal supplements.......Well which one is right?

All of them!

After years helping people - as a health advisor - I found that Acne problems really need a 3 prong approach...

- a good skin wash,
- a good exfoliator (not too harsh)
- healing herbs to help clear and detoxify your lymphatic system and liver.

Only when all 3 measures are in place do people really get some results.

Click here Natural Acne Cures to read more and understand what I mean.

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Oily Skin Treating Blackheads & Pores

by Beth


I don't have breakouts but I always have really greasy skin with large pores and some blackheads. If I use a toner, it gets rid of some of the oil, but then my skin gets a little flaky. The pore strips help get rid of some blackheads, but they come back again. Please help I don't know what to use.

Hi Beth,

Thanks for your email regarding oily skin and blackheads. It's pretty typical to hear that a harsh astringent or toner used for oily skin, seems to cause even more oil production and more problem - like blackheads and breakouts or flaky skin.

First, it's important to use a facial wash that does not over-dry or contain irritating ingredients or fillers. You want to gently clean the skin and reduce some of the excess surface oil.

Then once a day - after washing your face - use a pH balanced alpha hydroxy acid. Acids like salicylic and glycolic not only help exfoliate dead cells, clean the pores.....they also help increase skin renewal. This helps increase collagen production along with elastin and proteoglycans.

pH balanced alpha and beta hydroxy aicds can help firm the skin (which can reduce pore size) and reduce the appearance of fine lines.

Then after using an exfoliating serum, apply a vitamin C enriched moisturizer ONLY on the spots of your face that seem dry or parched...like under or around the eyes, maybe the neck...etc....

I love this simple regime. It's quick, it's easy, and it helps balance out the complexion so it's not too oily or too dry. Which has always been a challenge for me.


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prevent oily skin - what products are good?

by Nelly

What products or tips can you recommend for oily skin that is also wrinkled?

Hello Neha,

Sorry for the late response. Thank you for your email regarding oily skin. Oily skin is a problem. It's hard to deal with because on one hand, if you don't clean it well, you increase your chance of developing clogged pores and blackheads. The other problem is it's hard to find a cleanser that will clean the skin yet not over dry it. Because this only leads to more oil production.

Balance is essential here. You need to calm the skin and keep it clean, but hydrated. A good gentle, pH balanced facial wash is the first step. And, try to use a soft wash cloth - rather than just your fingers. This will help remove dead skin cells which will unclog the pores and allow for a more even oil distribution.

Next a good toner is helpful. Especially with natural fruit acids like salicylic acid. This also helps unclog pores and reduce some of the topical oil. It's also great to reduce fine lines and discoloration.

Finally, a non-oily moisturizer is important. Many people with oily skin are afraid to moisturize for fear of making their skin too greasy.

I've tried a lot of products and I know how hard it is finding one that creates a nice balance to the skin's moisture level. I highly suggest you check out the one that I use - the Zenmed 3 step facial product. It's natural, partly organic and balances my skin out. Very gentle, yet super cleansing. I recommend it to anyone with problem skin or clogged pores. And, I have very difficult skin because it's oily in some spots (chin, nose forehead) and super dry around mouth and eyes. I couldn't find a product that work and always had to use to different types of products for different parts of the face. Which got expense too.

Click here to read about....

3 step skin care

Let me know if you have any more questions. I hope this information helped.


P.S. I know this may sound strange, but facial exercising/massaging is really helpful for balancing out moisture/oil levels. A good face massage will distribute eh oils and help reduce some of the really hard to handle spots like the nose and forehead.

I believe Carolyn from Facial Fitness discuses this here on her video were she performs a few sample exercises. If not, follow this link to her site. I know she discuses how facial exercises can help even out skin tone and oil balance.Not to mention how it helps tone up sagging facial tissues.

Face Exercise Free Video

Facial Fitness.

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best hydrating moisturizer for oily face with Apple Cell ingredient?

by Charlene


I read about a moisturizer that is used by celebrities that contains apple cells or something like that? It's supposed to be really good but expensive. Do you know of a substitute product that someone who is not rich can afford?

Hey Charlene,

I think I know what product you're speaking of, it called 3LAB. The maker of this skincare line is a pharmacist who was fooling around with ingredients to find the right combination of hydration, wrinkle reduction, and yet good for oily skin too.

Actually, he now has a large line of skincare products, but I think the one your asking about is the Stop Shine moisturizer. It contains growth hormone and apple stem cells.

It is supposed to offer lots of skin plumping hydration without that greasy feeling. A great option for summer time or for those who tend to have oily skin and suffer from breakouts.

The bad news is I don't know of another skincare company that uses apple stem cells, other than 3LAB.

However, there is a company that makes a great line of wrinkle creams and moisturizers that contain Matrixyl and Stem Cells.....click here to learn more. Stem Cell Aging Treatment. I use their eye cream and love it.

Now about the product line you asked about.....they are pretty expensive, but the Stop Shine moisturizer listed above is less than $66.00. It's one of the few products that's pretty affordable.........because you're right some of them are as high as $400.00 jar!!

That's probably one reason why they're popular with celebrities.....they're the only ones who can afford it :-)

I hope this helps.

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