dry skin - clogged pores

by Marie

What's the best anti-aging skin care for someone with dry skin and clogged pores?


Thanks for your email.

Sometimes with the case of dry skin AND clogged pores - it's a matter exfoliating well.

This allows the oils on your skin to distribute better (so it hydrates evenly) and helps to unclog your pores too.

Also, regularly exfoliating your skin will allow your moisturizer to absorb better.

Here are some exfoliating options:
My favorite is a simple sugar and baking soda mixture. Mix equal amounts of both (sugar & baking soda) and add a little bit of water and mix well to make a paste.

Massage this paste all over your face (avoiding the eye area). Don't forget your neck and chest too. Then rinse off well and apply a moisturizer while your skin is still damp. Your skin will feel incredible! In addition, this scrub helps to unclog your pores too.

I keep a big batch of this mixture in the shower. Pour some into my hands, add some water and massage this all over my body. Knees, elbows, feet, arms...it helps remove dry, rough patches. It polishes your skin.

Another great exfoliating option that really helps dissolve clogged pores is a fruit acid based serum. You can make your own by mashing up pineapples (make sure to purchase the one without added syrup).

Fresh pineapple contains bromelain which is a proteolytic enzyme (an enzyme that digests proteins...i.e. dead skin cells.)

If you travel and need to have something handy in a little bottle renewing serum.

This is a pure grade (30%) glycolic acid that helps even out skin tone, re-balance your skin if it's too oily or too dry, reduce the appearance of lines, and clean out the waxy gunk stuck in our pores.

I don't always have time to make a pineapple mask - so I keep a bottle of this in my makeup back and use it once or twice a week………more often in the summer time.

..........Continue reading here.......

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Dry flaky acne prone sensitive skin - Please Help!

by Kendria

I have very dry skin and am always breaking out. Is it possible to have dry skin and acne too? Most of the acne treatment products I've used only dried my skin out more and made all red, flaky, and irritated. What can I do? Please help!!

Hi Kendria,

Thanks for your email. Yes, dry skin can suffer from acne just like oily skin can. But it's much harder to treat dry acne prone skin because most products are way too harsh for this type of sensitive skin.

That is why I only recommend Zenmed Natural Organic acne products. Because they are very gentle for dry or oil skin and their derived from plant extracts. Also, they will tailor a program for your skin type -- whether it's dry, sensitive, normal, oily, aging.....etc... I love their products and so do my visitors.

Hope this helped,

Linda,Admin Wrinkle Free Skin Tips

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Homemade Lotion Dry Skin


I have very sensitive allergic skin and can only use a few remedies that I make at home. Do you have any recipes for homemade lotion for dry skin


Thanks for your email. If you have sensitive skin or just like to make your own home remedies.....then I have something great to share with you.

Recently, I purchased a book on Home Made products. Continue reading here.......

It contains natural remedies for over 300 diseases, illnesses, skin disorders, and general health issues. And most of these remedies can be found in your bathroom or kitchen right now.

The best part is that this book was written by a Naturopathic, Holistic doctor. His remedies are clinically tested in studies and proven to work. And they are really easy to make. I use mine almost every day.

You'll learn every thing from how how to make your own baby oil for rashes, how to make your own cough syrup, how to make a natural heartburn remedy, how to reduce large pores...... There are hundreds of all kinds of home remedies - some even for pets.

Now that the weather is getting warm and I live in a tropical warm area.....my favorite is how to make home made insect repellent!

If you have children, then the natural topical wash for bug bites and stings will really interest you.

Hope this helps...and let me know how you like the book.


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Dry Cracked Bleeding Skin - Creams haven't helped

by Suzanne


My skin is so dry that it hurts. After I wash my face in the morning, it becomes so tight and painful, that it starts to crack. I’ve tried all those moisture therapy products from the drug store, but they make my face break out and clog my pores. Any suggestions?

Hi Suzanne,

I'm sure living in dry Arizona doesn't help with your dry skin situation either.

I can give you several suggestions for dry skin.

First - are you eating enough healthy fats in your diet …… like olive oil or fish oil? If not, consider making natural salad dressing (instead of bottled ones) using olive oil and lemon juice or vinegar. Add some garlic and seasonings and you’ll never go back to bottled dressing again. Plus, you’ll help your skin and heart by eating olive oil.

Second – Consider taking fish oil (omega 3) supplements. But make sure the brand you use is free from toxic elements like mercury. Many discount fish oil supplements are not purified. I only use Life Extension’s Super Omega 3. Because it’s certified pure and molecularly distilled. Or try adding flaxseeds to your cereal or yogurt. Flaxseeds are extremely healthy oils that won’t put weight on, but will help nourish the skin from the inside out.

Visit Skin Vitamins and Diet for more information and diet and vitamins for healthy skin.

Third - Stop using soap! Make sure you use a cleanser that is pH balanced and gentle like ClearSkin face wash. It’s pH balanced, natural, (contains nothing by 6 herbs), and leaves an invisible moisture film on the skin to keep it soft and prevent painful cracks.

Also, many of my visitors have reported great success using a Neova Therapy GHK Copper Peptide Moisture Mask. Copper peptides are clinically known to heal and rejuvenate skin.

At one time GHK copper peptides were only available through a dermatologist or plastic surgeon, but now you can get them on line Follow this link for more information on Dry Facial Skin and copper peptides. Hope this information helps you.

Linda, admin

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How To Heal Dry Skin

I work around a lot of chemical and cleaning products. As a result my hands are dry and cracked and peel.

Do you have recommendations on lotions to help heal my hands? Thanks.
Thank you for your question. I have a fantastic recommendation for dry skin of the hands, legs and arms.

Click on the following link and scroll to the bottom of the page and click on a link called skin care body lotion.

On that page you can read about special body lotion specifically for dry wrinkled skin that contains SeasFlash..... a special formulation to support the thicker skin of the body.

Also, if you do try it...would you drop me line and let me know how it worked for you? If my visitors are not happy with a product I recommend, I like to know about it. I don't want to offer products that people aren't happy with.

Linda, Admin Wrinkle Free Skin Tips

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How to heal dry skin

by Jay

Please give me advice on how to heal dry skin.
Hi Jay,

Thank you for your suggestion. I have devoted several pages to healing dry skin on my site.

Some natural home remedies that help me are as follows:

The best advice I can give you is to stop using soap. Use a pH balanced cleanser - which won't strip what little oils your skin has. A pH balanced cleanser is very important for long term skin health. Studies show that people with skin problems like acne, eczema, and others have an improper pH balance on their skin.

Also, use a weekly mask made of egg yolks and honey. Mix the two together and apply to your whole face. Leave it on for 15min or so and then rinse off well.

And, while your skin is still damp, apply a good botanical moisturizer that is formulated for dry skin. Always try use moisturizers and skin care products that are free from cheap oils and chemicals.

They destroy the acid mantel and cause the skin to become drier and sensitive to the environment.

Linda,Admin Wrinkle Free Skin Tips

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How To Heal Dry Skin?

by Ayanna

Please tell me how to heal dry skin.

Hello Ayanna,

Thanks for your question about healing dry patchy skin. There are several ways to help heal and protect dry skin. Some natural home remedies that helped me are as follows:

1.Stop using soap. Use a pH balanced cleanser - which won't strip what little oils your skin has. A pH balanced cleanser is important for long term skin health. Studies show that people with major skin conditions like acne, psoriasis, eczema, etc….and others destroyed the acid mantle of their skin from using harsh facial cleansers.

2. Also, use a weekly mask made of egg yolks and honey. Mix the two together and apply to your whole face. Leave it on for 15min or so and then rinse off well.

3. While your skin is still damp, apply a good dry skin moisturizer. I use one by Zenmed that is all botanical/herbal and lasts all day.

Also, try some of these hydrating facial recipes that you can make in your kitchen. I love these, but for the egg yolk mask works the best. I use it twice a week during the winter months.

Linda,Admin Wrinkle Free Skin Tips

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Home Remedies For Dry Skin?

by Sandy

Do you know of any home remedies for dry skin? I have very dry skin but if I use heavy dry skin moisturizers, my face breakouts!! So I looking for some home remedy or the best lotion for dry skin that won't cause breakouts.
Hi Sandy,

I always had a hard time finding good moisturizers too. As a result, I've done lots of research on effective moisturizer treatments and found ZenMed Natural Moisturizer to be the best!

If you try it let me know how you like it. I've been getting really good feed back on it so far.

Linda, Admin

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Dry Skin

I have dry skin real bad i have it on my thigh and on the sides of my stomach right now im use this lotion called oatmeal.


Thanks for your email. Is it effective? I've never heard of this lotion. I know oatmeal itself or oatmeal based lotions are great for irritated and inflamed skin, but am not sure how effective it is for very dry skin.

You can also try some homemade remedies like honey and egg yolk...(I love this one).

You can find more great, inexpensive home remedies here at this link:
Homemade Facials.

Linda, Admin Wrinkle Free Skin Tips

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Need Dry Skin Remedies - Homemade skin moisturizer recipes or tips?

by Laruen

Help me, I have such dry skin, I look like I'm 20 years older! I need some dry skin remedies and answers. I'm on a low fat, high protein diet...could that be the problem?

Hi There,

Thanks for your email regarding dry skin remedies.

When you're on a high protein low fat diet, your skin will become dehydrated....which is probably why it looks so bad.

You see, carbohydrates hold water in the body and skin. This is why we seem to lose weight so quickly on high protein diets - is because often times in the beginning, we're really just loosing excess water.....not fat.

You really must increase your fluid intake. It doesn't have to be just plain old water, but whatever liquids you like....even soups and lots of watery vegetables.

The other thing to do is increase your intake of good fats. Try to make an effort to consume the good fats, lots more vitamin E oil capsules, omega 3, olive oil, and flax seed oil is great too.

You can get flax seeds and crush them up and put it on yogurts and salads. Or, just the flax seed oil and add it to protein shakes for a great healthy breakfast or snack.

Make sure you get your flax seed from a health food store and make sure it's says Organic on the bottle. I believe a company called Spectrum makes flax seed oil and it's keep in a small refrigerator in the store....that is the best because oils oxidize and become rancid in the heat.

Don't order flax seed oil over the internet unless it comes in a cold pack. Try to eat more eggs too.

On the outside, try to use moisturizers that contain hyaluronic acids. I just started using a moisturizer that I love, love, love!

At first I loved how my skin felt, now I love how it looks too.....and that is in just after 5 days of using it.

I'm using Carolyn's Facial moisturizer. I got it as a free sample when I bought her Vitamin C serum because I had some brown spots on my face and the Vitamin C lightens and evens skin tone. And it really hydrated my face too.

What's unique about her Vitamin C serum is that the Vitamin C comes in a separate vial (as pure organic 16% L-Ascorbic Acid crystals) and is not mixed into the serum until you're ready to use it. So it's fresh and not oxidized like the other vitamin C products I've tried that sat (pre-mixed) on the shelf for years and years....worthless!

Her moisturizer contains hyaluronic acid which is hygroscopic. Meaning it "literally pulls moisture from the air" and keeps it in your skin. So your skin really does feel dewy and hydrate and looks plump. Not greasy - there is a big difference!

Finally, all the products contain DMAE which helps to reduce the appearance of fine lines in the skin, and is known to "instantly" tighten" the skin. And DMAE becomes more effective with use. Most people see great looking skin in only one month.

You can see a picture of the vial of Vitamin C and read more about it here. Oh, and you'll notice all her products come in dark blue "glass" bottles to prevent the light from destroying the nutrients/vitamins that they contain.

Vitamin C for Healthy Skin.

I originally bought just the vitamin C serum and the total serum and got little samples of the moisturizer, hydrating masque, and facial cleanser as a bonus sample. Now I'm hooked!

I promise you - this will be the last skin care line you'll ever buy. She is honest and true, and keeps her products organic, free from chemicals and loaded with nutrients.

Anyway, this was not meant to be a sales pitch, I just wanted to share my experience with other women looking for a health, nutrient rich skin care line that works.

You can visit her website here to read more about her products and how they're made:

Carolyn's Facial Skin Care Line.

If you do decide to try it, please let me know what you think?


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Dry Facial Skin and Dry Skin Patches

I have dry facial skin and lots of dry skin patches all over my cheeks and chin. I read that sometimes dry patchy skin is caused by hormones. Like a lack of estrogen. Can that cause dry flaky skin?

I've read your moisturize reviews, but still don't know what is the best moisturizer for my dry facial skin. Also, is fish oil good for dry skin all over?


Thanks for your email regarding dry facial skin. There are several ways to approach dry skin problems. First, if your skin is so severely dry, you might want to consider why? A thyroid disorder is one possible explanation. When you visit your doctor - the next time you have a physical - ask him/her to test your TSH, T3 and T4 levels. An elevated TSH level can mean that you have hypothyroidism and dry skin is one of the many symptoms of hypothyroidism.

Generally, if your blood tests show that your TSH is between the range of 4.0 to 4.5 (for some it could 3.5 to 4.5) it could mean that your thyroid is not working properly. Dry skin and hair loss is just one of many, many symptoms of hypothyroidism.

Also consider having your hormone levels tested. Especially, if you're a woman. Low estrogen levels can absolutely cause dry skin and itchy skin too. Sometimes, taking natural cream hormones, that are soy based can help. You can read about that here:
Peri menopause dry skin.

Also, consider adding more healthy oils to your diet. If you follow a low fat diet, consider taking fish oil capsules or added flax seeds to your cereal or yogurt. Also, maybe a small amount of olive oil to your salads....can make a big difference.

I only use Life Extension Fish Oil. I choose this brand because I’m very concerned about toxins in the fish and many discount fish oil supplements have not been purified or tested for mercury and other toxins.

Life Extension’s brand uses a patented extraction and purification process to remove all contaminants, protect against rancidity – very important! And they have a "freshness/expiration date" so you know your product is fresh and not rancid.

And finally, topical creams. I addressed topical creams last because often times chronic dry skin needs to be addressed from the inside too. I have found two skin care products that really hydrate my skin....and makes it feel almost velvety.

The first one is Zenmed's H-Series Moisturizer. It contains non-clogging botanicals and herbs and is very soothing and thick and makes my skin feel so soft. The hydrating feeling lasts a long time too.

And the second one is from Carolyn's facial fitness. I just tried the vitamin C Serum and got the moisturizer sample for free. And, all I can say is...Oh My Goodness.

The moisturizer feels so good and dewy. But when I use it right after the vitamin C serum, it's incredible.

I apply it every day after I do my face exercises. The Vitamin C serum is anti-aging/anti-oxidant serum and it helps the cells hold onto moisture longer.....a problem that older skin has. As the skin ages, it's not able to retain moisture as well as young skin...which is why we tend to have drier skin as we age.

And, the vitamin C comes as L-Ascorbic Acid powder - in a dry test tube. You then add it to the hydrating serum and mix it up right before using it -- so it's fresh and potent. Unlike other vitamin c serums I've tried before. You see when vitamin C gets mixed into a moisturize base and sits on the shelf for months and years....it loses it's potency which is why all the others never worked for me.

Click here to read more about the
Organic Vitamin C Serum.

I hope this helped.

Linda, Admin Wrinkle Free Skin Tips

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How To Heal Dry Skin - Dry Skin Patches

I have dry skin patches all over my face and neck. What can I do? Can you tell me how to heal my dry skin?

Thanks for your email about healing dry skin.

Some natural home remedies that helped me with dry skin are as follows:

The best advice I can give you is to stop using soap. Use a pH balanced cleanser - which won't strip what little oils your skin has. A pH balanced cleanser is very important for long term skin health. Studies show that people with skin problems like acne, eczema, and others have an improper pH balance on their skin which eventually destroys the acid mantel.

I only use a gentle cleansing cream that's pH balanced and was originally developed for extremely sensitive skin like those with Rosacea. Click here to read more about it:

Gentle Cleansing Cream.

Also, try weekly mask made of egg yolks and honey. Mix the two together and apply to your whole face. Leave it on for 15 min. or so and then rinse off well. Your skin will fee incredible!!!

You can find more homemade facials here at this link....HomeMade Facials.

While your skin is still damp, apply a good dry skin moisturizer. I use the Zenmed Botanical Organic Moisturizer.

It's an organic elixir that contains plant essences and essential herbs. It's very long lasting and soothing....

Finally, make sure your eating enough good fats like olive oil, fish oil, or flax seed oil. If you don't like eating them, then consider taking a fish oil capsules once a day or adding flax seeds to your yogurt, cereals and salads.

I hope this information has helped.

Linda, Admin Wrinkle Free Skin Tips

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Dry skin

by Sally
(New Zealand)


I use a wonderful night cream which really adds moisture & has helped reduce my fine lines. However, the day cream that I use, same brand, is not so brilliant. Can anyone suggest a good rich cream for day time.


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What's the best facial moisturizer for severely Dry Facial Skin

Hello Linda,

I have very dry facial skin, but if I use any thing for it I break out in pimples, is there any thing i can do....please help


Thanks for your email. I found a great organic moisturizer that is perfect for troubled skin. It's chemical free and contains pure botanical extracts. Also, it doesn't contain cheap oils like many moisturizers do. This can clog pores and lead to breakouts.

Please click On This Link to read more.

Hope this information helps,

Linda, admin Wrinkle Free Skin Tips

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Facial Dry Skin Moisturizer

by Dawn


I'm looking for a good facial dry skin moisturizer for my sensitive skin. Any advice?

Hi Dawn,

Thanks for your email. My all time favorite facial dry skin moisturizer for sensitive skin is an organic, herbal cream with plant essences called ZenMed Botanical Moisturizer.

If you have sensitive skin, this moisturizer is perfect for you. And, it's perfect for stubborn dry skin because it contains lyphazome nanaospheres to deliver hydration deep into the skin.

I hope this helps, let me know.....

Linda, Admin Wrinkle Free Skin Tips

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How to heal dry skin - best dry skin facial moisturizer

by Jarraed

There are several ways to help heal and protect dry skin. Some natural home remedies that helped me are as follows:

1. Stop using soap. Use a pH balanced cleanser - which won't strip what little oils your skin has. A pH balanced cleanser is important for long term skin health. Studies show that people with major skin conditions like acne, psoriasis, eczema, etc….and others destroyed the acid mantle of their skin from using harsh facial cleansers

2. Also, use a weekly mask made of egg yolks and honey. Mix the two together and apply to your whole face. Leave it on for 15min or so and then rinse off well.

3. While your skin is still damp, apply a good dry skin moisturizer. I found one that I've tested several times and has been used in hospitals for over 20 years for burn victims is a botanical, waterproof continuous Moisturizer that provides up to 8 hours of hydration.

I took a test with this moisturizer and applied it to one hand to see how long it lasts and how my skin felt at the end of the day. Well, after washing my hands several times a day, I found at the end of the day, the hand with the moisturizer was still soft, smooth, and hydrated.

They also make a body lotion. You can read more about here…..Celazome Clinical Botanical Moisturizer

P.S Do a test like I did...put it on one hand or one side of your face and not the other and see how your skin feels at the end of the day.

Linda,Admin Wrinkle Free Skin Tips

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dry facial skin please help!! whats the best facial moisturizer????

by Dottie


I have such dry skin that my face is patchy and looks dull. I have tried every moisturizer you can think of. Even those real expensive ones from the makeup counters at large department stores.

They all feel good for about an hour and then my skin feels tight and looks real dull. Can you give me some advice?

Hi Dottie,

Thanks for your email. I have a perfect, guaranteed solution for your dry facial skin. A water proof, rub-proof, 8 hour hydrating botanical healing moisturizer -- that has been used in hospitals for burn victims.

This Water Proof Moisturizer has also been used and recommended by physicians, dermatologists, and aestheticians.

I found it doing research on dry skin and bought to try it out before recommending it on my site.

I have to tell you, it's incredible! I used on my hands (the tops of my hands get really dry). And after washing them several times during the day, they feel really soft and hydrated. Not Greasy!

The company that makes this moisturizer, uses a patented lyphazone nanotechnology and has been around for over 20 years.

Also, you can get free advice from an in-house aesthetician. Their products are very inexpensive and when you place an order, you get a nice sample kit of products to try. I got all kinds of great samples with my order.

You can read more about it here...Click on this link and scroll down to the middle of the page until you find Water Proof Moisturizer

Please let me know how you like it. I love to hear feed back from my visitors :-)

Linda, Admin Wrinkle Free Skin Tips

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Any Home Remedies for Dry Facial Skin?

by Thomas

Please give me a home remedy for dry facial skin.



The best advice on healing dry skin is to stop using soap. Instead use a pH balanced cleanser that won't strip the oils from your skin. A pH balanced cleanser is very important for long term skin health. Studies show that people with skin problems like acne, eczema, and others have an improper pH balance on their skin. Cetaphil is a good pH balanced cleanser you can buy at the drug store.

Also, use a weekly mask made of egg yolks and honey. Beat two egg yolks together then add a tablespoon of olive oil.

Apply this mixture to your whole face and let it sit for 15min or so and then rinse off well. Next while your face is still damp, apply a very good, hydrating moisturizer. I use one by Zenmed that's organic and contains plant extracts. It's very hydrating and thick, but doesn't clog pores and cause breakouts for me. Click on this link to read more Best Facial Moisturizer for Dry Skin

I hope this has been helpful.

Linda, Admin Wrinkle Free Skin Tips

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help me - Best Lotions For Dry Facial Skin

Need a solution for my super sensitive and dry skin on my face i tried so many products but nothing change..

Hello Lynn,

Thanks for your email. By far the remedies for dull dry skin is an organic, botanical moisturizer called Zenmed H Series.

It's gentle, soothing, hydrating and great for super sensitive skin. You can read more about it here Dry Facial Skin.

Also, consider taking either fish oil or flaxseed oil daily. It won't add any weight (most people are fat phobic) because only a tiny amount is needed, but it's wonderful for smooth, hydrated skin all over your body.

Plus, these oils are good for your hormone production, cardiovascular system, and joints. It's win-win situation. Hope this helped.

Finally, always try to apply your moisturizer while your skin is still slightly damp. It helps to seal in the moisture.

Hope this helped.

Linda, Admin Wrinkle Free Skin Tips

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