Sagging Jowls

by Wanda
(Philadephia, Pa)


I bought the facial exercise cd that you recommend and have been concentrating on my jowls, especially because they were getting really droopy.

My face was sore for the first few weeks so I know something was working. My jowls and chin area look tighter and firmer. And, I'll be 60 years next month. I'm starting to look better now than I did in my late 50's.

I looked into plastic surgery, but I am afraid of surgery and I really don't have that much money.

Thanks for suggesting an excellent option to surgery.

Hi Wanda,

Thanks for your email. Yes, those exercises are effective and quick to use. I think one reason why they work for the jowls so well is that Carolyn always has you working the lower half of your face, even when you're doing cheek raisers.

And how about the effects of these exercises when lying down? You really feel it then don't you?

She has a Part II section where you do a few lying down for extra gravity effect. This really makes it work faster!

I love the results. It's nice to know you have some control over the aging process of your face without resorting to surgery.

Please, please take pictures and send them in....:-)

If anyone is interested, you can click here:

Facial exercises

to see a video and get more information.

Linda, Admin Wrinkle Free Skin Tips

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How to eliminate chubby cheeks and prevent wrinkles

by Kris

Can you tell me how to eliminate my fat cheeks and get rid of my crows feet and laugh lines and folds?

Is that too much to ask for? LOL Maybe I should just get a face lift???

Hi Kris,

Thanks for your email. There are about 40 facial exercises to help tone and slim face. Some work very well on sagging cheeks and under chin muscles, and others are great to help slow the aging process and get rid of droopy jowls, puffy eyes, deep set eye hollows, and crows feet.

If your just looking for exercises to slim your face you can try the one I listed at the end of this email. Then visit this site Eliminate Double Chin for more information about face slimming and a video that can help.

But if your looking to slim the face and reduce facial aging, check out this page Face Exercises for more information and free sample exercises....

The exercise below is one of my favorite because it give me the best of both worlds. It slims the face and lifts the cheeks. When you lift the cheeks, you also lift the area around your mouth that begins to sag you age. The sooner you start aging reducing face exercises the easier it will be to maintain a young face. If you're older, face exercises will work,but will take longer to see results.

For chubby cheeks - do cheek raises.

1. Make a large O shape with your mouth and curl your lips over your teeth.

2. Try to smile wide and big while keeping your lips curled over your teeth.

3. When you try to smile, you'll feel your cheek muscles raise upward. Then take the palms of your hands and place them on your cheek muscles and try to slight push the cheek muscles down. You're using your palms as weights.

4. Then relax everything for a second.....and repeat the smile/push again.

5. Do this exercise 10-15 times a day at least twice a day for best results. This exercise will raise your cheek muscles, pulling up sagging skin and will strengthen the around the whole lower face.

Hope this helped,

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Facial exerciser for anti-aging

Do face massages and facial exercisers really help with antiaging?
Hi, and thanks for your email. According to Shelley Bawiec, global skin-care education director for Aveda....a face massage feels great, helps to relax the muscles, and smooth lines and increase skin luminosity.

Click here to follow along with this free Face Massage video.

Linda, Admin Wrinkle Free Skin Tips

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Facial Exercise for Strengthening Chin and Reduce Sagging Jowls

Can you give me a facial exercise to reduce sagging jowls and for strengthening my chin line. Thanks


Thanks for your question and for filling out the Skin Problem Survey.. This survey helps me better understand the needs of my visitors so I can research information you're interested in.

In reference to your questions about strengthening your chin and reduce sagging jowls - this is a very common problem for most of us.

Facial Exercises are the best way to reduce droopy jowls.... aside from restylane injections or a lower face lift.

Creams and serums can help reduce the appearance of lines and wrinkles....but only face exercises can actually lift and build up droopy facial muscles.

Once the muscles are lifted the skin follows and you will look younger because your face is firmer and tighter.

Plus, if done correctly, these exercises can help massage the skin which will thicken it leading to less wrinkling.

Here is a sample exercise to try for droopy, sagging jowls:

1. Place 3 fingertips right at the bottom of your jawline and tilt your head up slightly.

2. Then place your bottom lip over the top lip so your jaw is protruding slightly. Turning your head towards your finger tips, tighten your cheek muscles(like your smiling really hard on one side of your face) and squeeze the eye shut.

3. Now, gently but firmly slide the fingertips up over the jawline towards the outside corner of the mouth, ending there. Repeat 5 times on each side.

Click here to see a picture of how to place your fingers on your face. Facial Jowls.

And click on this link to read more and to try a sample exercise for the eyes and neck. By the way, look how beautiful the woman in the video is....she is over 64 years old!! Facial Exercises.

I also use two creams/serums for even better and faster results. Like I said before, the face exercise will lift your muscles, but a good cream will help improve your skin tone too....for a complete facial rejuvenation.

The two creams I use are:

Vitamin C Crystal Serum. This product is mixed up fresh before you use it so the vitamin C is fresh and really potent and works fast.

Copper Peptide cream is a great moisturize and helps heal the skin by building collagen.

I use both of them, but even one will help greatly and can help increase your results.

Hope this information helped. Please let me know how it goes and if you decide to do the facial exercises...take before pictures.

Linda, Admin Wrinkle Free Skin Tips

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Facial exercisers - free samples?

by Mary


Can you show me some sample exercises for the eye and neck area? Also, where can I buy a DVD if I decide this is right for me?
Hi Mary,

If you click on the link below, you'll see a live video for 3-4 sample face exercises including the neck area...which many facial exercises programs do not include.

When you try these, try them again lying down....because that is how most of them are performed for extra gravitational pull.

You'll really feel these - especially the next day. The area around my jaw line was a little sore so I know I got a good workout.

Face flexing samples for neck and eyes.

Linda, Admin

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nasolabial fold

by anjalee

i am 37 yrs old and have deep crows feet and very deep nasolabial fold.
please help me to tighten nasolabial fold.

thank you
Hi Anjalee,

I had that problem too right around the time I turned around 40. I started doing facial exercises from another source. However, my nasal/labial folds got worse.

It took me a long time to find Carolyn's System but I'm glad I did. She showed me a faster way to exercise (Flex Effect took over 40 min), and it was easier and gave me a more natural look. Besides it finally took care of those folds. Look at my picture on my home page. I was 49 1/2 in that picture.

One of the best ways to lift out the nasal/labial folds and lines is to lift the cheeks. Many facial exercise programs have you work the corners of your mouth and create resistance by making a kissing motion, but this over-build this nasal fold because it does NOT lift up the cheeks.

One things that was designed into Carolyn's system is the proper building of the upper cheeks so that nasal folds lift up and smooth. Plus, you get higher cheek bones which look more elegant and younger.

So in this exercise you want to:

1- With your mouth make a big "O" shape and wrap your lips around your teeth.

2- Try to smile with the corners of your mouth.

3 - Take the heels of your hands and massage the area just below the temples on the outer edges of the apple of the cheeks .. the area below where crow's feet most often appear. (counting slowly to 10)

Do this a few times a day and within a week or two you should start to see the nasal folds start to lift.

If you want even better results all over the face you should consider doing the other 27 exercises for a complete balanced look. Remember, as you age all the areas of your face will start to concern you.

See Nonie's before and after pictures... Click Here

Hope this helps,
Linda, Admin Wrinkle Free Skin Tips

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Face Exercise - Does it Really Work?

Do face exercises really work? If so, how soon until I see results? thanks, Sandy

Hi Sandy, Yes, face exercises really do work and you can begin to see results in as little as 3 weeks.

To speed up your results, try applying a pure, FRESH, powdered form of L-Ascorbic Acid (Vitamin C). L-Ascorbic Acid is the only form of vitamin C that can be fully absorbed by the skin.

So why haven't more skin care product added this to their skin care line? Because vitamin C oxidzes easily which is very bad for the skin. This new form of vitamin C that I'm recommending uses fresh vitamin C crystals that you mix up Fresh each time you use it.

It's pretty incredible. Click here to read more about it.

Fresh Packaged Vitamin C for Gorgeous Skin in 7 Days

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baggy eyes, sagging jowls, puffy eyes, upper lip wrinkles

I have upper lip wrinkles, droopy jowls, baggy eyes. What can I do?


Thanks for your email. All 3 of your biggest skin concerns can be dealt with by performing facial exercises. Anti-wrinkle creams are great, but nothing can lift underlying muscles (to reduce droopy jowls and eyes) like exercises.

If performed correctly, a side benefit of exercising the face is a skin massage which also helps to thicken the skin too.

Click here to read more and see a video of how face exercises work.

Facial Exercises

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Facial Exericse

Can you give me a facial exercise I can do for crows feet


Thanks for your question regarding facial exercise. Please click on this link for a facial exercise sample to reduce crows feet.

How To Get Rid of Wrinkles with Facial Exercise

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Facial exercises reduce chubby cheeks

Can facial exercises reduce chubby cheeks? Can you recommend some for me?



Thanks for your questions Thanks for your question regarding facial exercises to reduce chubby cheeks.

Face exercising is a great way to create a more defined, sculpted look.

There are several facial exercises to help slim, sculpt and ton sagging cheeks, jowls, and under chin muscles.

My favorite one - that give me the best results - is cheek raises. It makes your cheeks higher and more defined, as a result your face looks slimmer too. Try this:

1. Make a large O shape with your mouth and curl your lips over your teeth.

2. Try to smile wide and big while keeping your lips curled over your teeth.

3. When you try to smile, you'll feel your cheek muscles raise upward. Then take the palms of your hands and place them on your cheek muscles and try to slight push the cheek muscles down. You're using your palms as weights.

4. Then relax the smile and stop pushing with palms for a second.....and repeat the smile/push again.

5. Repeat this exercise 10-20 times a day. This will raise your cheek muscles, pulling up sagging skin and will strengthen the around the whole
lower face.

You might want to visit this page...

How to Eliminate a Double Chin and Slim Your Face.

for more information. I found a video that shows you how to do more exercises to strengthen the facial muscles around the cheeks and chin area.

I've been doing facial exercises for years now off and on and see a big difference in my facial muscles. The muscles in your face respond the same way the muscles do on your body.....if you don't exercise them, they will get flabby.

Hope this helped,

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face exercises - my dimples are back!

Hi Carolyn,

I've been doing your face exercise CD's everyday for about 3 month or so and wanted to tell you that my dimples are back. I had these cute dimples on my cheeks when I smiled. Then some time around my late 40's...Then they just became these long lines on lower cheeks. I was going to have them filled in with Restylane, but couldn't afford it right now

Then the other day my husband noticed how great my skin looked and when I smiled at him, he commented that my cute dimples is back!

Thanks so much for sharing your face exercises with us.


Hi Suzanne,

Wow, thanks for sharing that. I will forward your email to Carolyn....have you seen her latest video on the Australian News?

She looks even better than she did when she made her exercise videos a few years ago. She gets younger looking every year.

Here She'll be 64 in May.

Glad to see the face exercises are working for you. I too was doing them everyday, but Carolyn said you only need to do them 3 times a week for 15 minutes. I noticed that my skin color improved and my cheeks are rosy again. Plus my cheek bones are higher.

P.S. Check our Carolyn's cheek bones in this video...Carolyn's Cheekbones.

Linda, Admin Wrinkle Free Skin Tips

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Upper Jowl Exercises


Can you give me some upper jowl exercises?


Thanks for your email regarding upper facial jowl exercises. Please click here to find some sample exercises...Facial Jowls.

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How to Eliminate chubby cheeks

by Joe

Can you tell me how to slim my face and get rid of fat cheeks?

Hi Joe,

Thanks for your email. There are about 40 facial exercises to help slim, sculpt and ton sagging cheeks, jowls, and under chin muscles. You can do a few of them - sort of like spot training - but you'll get the best results when you do all of them consistently.

My favorite one that seem to give me the most results is:

For chubby cheeks - do cheek raises.

1. Make a large O shape with your mouth and curl your lips over your teeth.

2. Try to smile wide and big while keeping your lips curled over your teeth.

3. When you try to smile, you'll feel your cheek muscles raise upward. Then take the palms of your hands and place them on your cheek muscles and try to slight push the cheek muscles down. You're using your palms as weights.

4. Then relax the smile and stop pushing with palms for a second.....and repeat the smile/push again.

5. Repeat this exercise 10-20 times a day. This will raise your cheek muscles, pulling up sagging skin and will strengthen the around the whole lower face.

For more information on face sculpting exercises visit this page.... Eliminate Double Chin.

I've been doing facial exercises for years now off and on and see a big difference in my facial muscles. The muscles in your face respond the same way the muscles do on your body.....if you don't exercise them, they will get flabby.

Hope this helped,

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sagging jowls, upper lip wrinkles


I am interested in help for sagging jowls, upper lip wrinkles, help for dull skin with spots and wanted to know what if anything would help.


Thanks for your email regarding sagging jowls and other facial skin concerns. While skin care creams can help with dry, dull, and spotted skin - wrinkles and bags are not usually affected by creams. You need physical improvements like facial exercises

Upper lip wrinkles and puffy eyes can be improved with certain facial exercises too - if you go to the bottom of this page, you'll see a sample of upper lip exercise to help smooth out the wrinkles.

Upper Lip Wrinkles.

If you go to this page, you'll see more free sample exercises and a video on how to do perform exercises for the jowls/neck area.
Facial Exercise Samples.

It would be a good idea if you combined these exercises with an anti-aging cream that helps build collagen. There are many good ones on the market -but finding the best one for your skin type is important.

Since you commented that you have dull skin with sun spots and whiteheads, I would suggest you try Skin Eraser. It will help smooth out the skin, reduce blackheads, whiteheads, and help reduce fine lines and the appearance of scars too.

Hope this helps,

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Nasal Labial Folds!!!

by CR

What can be done to reduce those "smile" wrinkles without injections? Are there any OTC fillers that actually work? I've heard about facial exercises that might help the situation, but what are they? Help!!!!

Hi There,

There are a few options you can try to help reduce nasal labial folds and smile lines.

If you have just smile lines/wrinkles on either side of the nose area, you can try a good hyaluronic acid serum which can help plump up the skin - filling in those lines.

However, if you have actual skin folds (nasal labial folds) your best bet is face exercises. This is a slower, but permanent option.

Unfortunately, the nasal labial folds and the neck area are the hardest and slowest areas to respond to exercises. BUT, facial exercises do long as you perform them faithfully.

Check out how beautiful this 64 year old woman (Carolyn) looks. Notice there are no folds or hanging skin on her face. She is the inventor of Carolyn's Facial Fitness.

Click here to see sample face exercises.

Plus, her exercises are to be performed lying down for best results.........something to do with the gravitational pull.....which I think is great! Any exercise I can do to improve my face/body without getting out of bed is fine with me :-)

These exercises are easy and fast (only 15 min.) once you get a hang of it. I highly suggest that all women (and men) start doing exercises long before deep wrinkles set in and our chin drops to our chest. It's much easier to maintain a firm face than to work at lifting it.

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Facial Exericses for Jowls

What is the best facial exercises for droopy jowls?


Thanks for your email regarding facial exercises for jowls. Please click on the following link to find out more about Facial Jowls exercises and find free face exercise samples.

Linda, Admin Wrinkle Free Skin Tips

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Facial exercise results

Can you show me any real facial exercise results from real people?
Yes, click here Free Face Exercises to see sample exercises and real live before and after pictures.

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Asymmetrical Brow - how to lift a brow?

by Brandon
(Seattle, WA)

Hey there!

I've been raised with a pretty obvious symmetry problem of my brow; my right eyebrow is much lower than my left eyebrow.

I'm pretty open-minded about it however, and got opinions from close friends and family to make sure I wasn't just being my own worst critic, and in fact, making something much more of what is hardly noticeable.

I've looked into cosmetic surgery, Botox, etc... and it's all too expensive. Yes, it's a probably I notice regularly, but it's not worth 2-5 grand out-of-pocket.

Do you have any exercises that could heighten just my right eyebrow/brow? It would seem as though raising both my brows would be ineffective, as there would still be a difference between my eyebrows. If you do, I'd love to make a picture log, capturing the progress I've made.

Thank you so much in advance!


Hi Brandon,

That's a very interesting question. There is an exercise that Carolyn has on her DVD called the Brow Lift. It's basically meant to raise the eyebrows that tend to droop as we age. I would image if you did that exercise - but some how modified - it could help.

Your best bet is to contact Caroyln the Facial Fitness creator and scroll down to the bottom where it says CONTACT. Send your question to her. If needed she can modify the exercise properly to help your situation.

By the way - visit this page to see the facial muscle chart and click on the Brow Lift to see what muscles it works. This is a very interesting active muscle chart

Hope this helps....Please let me know how it goes.

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sagging jowls

by Theresa

What exercise can I do for my sagging jowls?

Hi Theresa,

Thank you for your question. Yes, the jowl area can really show your age. It start to droop, giving a squarish look to the face and then we lose that beautiful angle look we have when we were younger.

A great exercise is the Jowl Lift. This also help lift the corners of the mouth. But you must do it at least 5 times per week.

Jowl lift –

1. Place your thumb and forefinger on either side of your chin – feeling your jaw bone.

2. With a closed mouth, make a smile -- as if your trying to pull the corners of your mouth out toward your ears.

3. Using your thumb and forefinger try to hold the muscle in place…creating if to stop the smile.

4. Hold for count of 10, then let go and relax.

Repeat 3 times or more if you want. The next day the muscles near your jaw bone should be a little sore...that's good!

Also, want to watch a free face exercise video?
Click Here

Good luck and please let me know how you do with both exercises. I've had my Facial Flex for over 10 lasts for ever!!

Linda, Admin

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How to Eliminate fat cheeks and double chin?

Please tell me how to eliminate fat cheeks and double chin?


Thanks for your email. There are about 40 facial exercises to help slim sagging cheeks and under chin muscles. You can do a few of them - sort of like spot training - but you'll get the best results when you do all of them consistently.

My favorite one that seem to give me the most results is:

For chubby cheeks - do cheek raises.

1. Make a large O shape with your mouth and curl your lips over your teeth.

2. Try to smile wide and big while keeping your lips curled over your teeth.

3. When you try to smile, you'll feel your cheek muscles raise upward. Then take the palms of your hands and place them on your cheek muscles and try to slight push the cheek muscles down. You're using your palms as weights.

4. Then relax the smile and stop pushing with palms for a second.....and repeat the smile/push again.

5. Do this exercise 10-15 times a day at least twice a day for best results. This exercise will raise your cheek muscles, pulling up sagging skin and will strengthen the around the whole lower face.

For more information on face sculpting exercises visit this page.... Eliminate Double Chin.

I've been doing facial exercises for years now off and on and see a big difference in my facial muscles. The muscles in your face respond the same way the muscles do on your body.....if you don't exercise them, they will get flabby.

Hope this helped,

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Facial Exercise Kit and Organic/Natural Skin Care SALE!

by Carolyn Cleaves
(Seabeck, WA, USA)

Carolyn at age 63

Carolyn at age 63

i There!

My name is Carolyn Cleaves and I’m the creator of Carolyn’s Facial Fitness, an easy to learn and easy to use facial exercise system that gives you a balanced, elegant and firm build to the face and neck.

I’m having a sale on this with free shipping that will end on 12/10. Be sure to take a look at my website and see all the great before and after photos of people who show remarkable results.

As well, we are launching our new “mostly organic, all natural” skin care line and this is also the last day of the special for not only free shipping, but the 7-piece Complete Therapy Pack is $55- off its regular price.

You can get it for $119.95 plus free shipping and it ends at midnight on 12/10. Here’s a photo of me taken two days ago. I’ll be 64 years old in May.

To find this sale, just go to Carolyn's Facial Fitness.

Enjoy! Carolyn
Thanks so much for sharing Carolyn! I purchased and use your facial exercise CD and love it. It's fast and easy and I love the results.

I'm 50 years and many of my girlfriends are around the same age or older than me. They often ask me how I get such high prominent cheeks bones.

I show them how to do the cheek raiser exercise (which I love) and then tell them they really should visit your site for more exercises because spot training your face is not good idea.

Eventually, all areas of your face (especially the jowl and neck area) will be of a concern to you as you age. So why not "nip-it-in-the-bud" now before it gets too saggy...... Then it's much harder to fix.

Thanks again - Hugs!
Linda, Admin Wrinkle Free Skin Tips

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My jowls are firmer from face exercises

Free Face Exercise Samples

Free Face Exercise Samples


I tried some of the free face exercises on your site. Then I started to see some results and bought your video.

Well, 3 months later I have to tell you my cheeks are higher and my jowls are smaller or tighter. My husband noticed it first. I wish I would have taken a picture like you suggested.

Thanks so much.
Oh, p.s. My eye shadow goes on smoother because my eyelids don't have so many creases!!
Hi there,
Thanks for your email and for keeping me posted. Yes, it may take some time before you notice the benefits of facial exercising, but it works. And the video I suggest is very fast to use. The others took way too long. I don't have that much time during the day to spend it exercising my face.

The first thing I noticed was higher cheek bones too. I just added a free sample Crows Feet Exercise video on my site in case anyone is interested. Click here to see it... Free Facial Exercises Video.

Linda, Admin Wrinkle Free Skin Tips

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How To Create a More Defined Cheekbone

I'm 16 years old and would really love having a more defined, womanly-looking face. I really like the idea of having better cheekbones and I'm hoping there are other exercises out there that will naturally help the look of more defined cheekbones...

I've looked at plenty of websites and tried their exercises, but there aren't a lot on enhancing cheekbones...any suggestions?

Thanks for your email. Yes, there are some easy "cheek-raising" exercises that you can try.

1. Place the palms of your hands on your upper cheeks.

2. Try to make a big wide smile, which will naturally raise your cheek muscles.

3. Then using your palms try to push those muscles down while smiling at the same time. Hold for a count of 10.

4. Then un-smile, rest for a second and do it again. Repeat these raises 10 times a day.

This is sort of like lifting weights with your cheek muscles. Over a few weeks you'll notice your cheek muscles more pronounced, higher, and stronger.

I found a great book that shows more exercises on how to sculpt your face, get rid of chubby cheeks and get a more angular face shape. For more information visit How to Elimnate a Double Chin.

Hope this helps and let me know how it goes. Better yet, take a picture before you start so you can compare the difference in about 3-4 weeks....maybe sooner since you are young.

Linda, Admin Wrinkle Free Skin Tips

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face is very thin how can i make it normal

by megha
(muzaffarnagar up)



Hello Megha,

Have you considered do facial exercises to help fill out your face? While it's impossible to change your facial bone structure, if your face is too thin, facial exercises can help fill out and lift the cheeks. This gives a face a younger, elegant look.

While there are 40 exercises for the face, Here is one exercise to try...

Cheek raises.

1. Make a large O shape with your mouth and curl your lips over your teeth.

2. Try to smile wide and big while keeping your lips curled over your teeth.

3. When you try to smile, you'll feel your cheek muscles raise upward. Then take the palms of your hands and place them on your cheek muscles and try to slight push the cheek muscles down. You're using your palms as weights.

4. Then relax the smile and stop pushing with palms for a second.....and repeat the smile/push again.

5. Do this exercise 10-15 times a day at least twice a day for best results. This exercise will raise your cheek muscles giving higher fuller cheekbones.

Watch this video for more sample face exercises....Facial Exercises.


Hope this helps....

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Facial Exercise Videos

by Sarah

Hi Linda,

Thanks for the great website. I sent your website link to my mother who is turing 68 this week. She's really depressed about how she looks.

I wanted to tell you that I tried those free exercises on the video you have on your site. I did it just like the woman said. 5 time a week for 3 weeks exactly and OMG! I can't believe how great my neck looks and my double/sagging chin is higher and firmer. My eyes look wider too!

My husband and co-works commented that I look more rested :-) they have not idea what i did or why I look more wide awake.

I'm buying the video today because I want to do the other exercises too. I want to buy video for my mother too, but she is against anything makes you touch or massage the skin.

She's afraid that it will only age you faster. She is from the old days when you were taught not to touch your face or make any facial expressions.

Any advice you can give her would be welcomed. I need you to help me convince her that these really work!

Thanks so much,

Hi Sarah,

What a great email. I'm so glad you have recieved good results from those sample exercises!

What your mother might not realize is that certain exercises like the one I recommend does not tug, pull, or stretch the skin. It really just massages the skin over taught muscles....this is very important for great results without damaging the skin!!

Also, when you contract the muscle, you build it up which tones and "lifts" the face - all the while taking the skin with it.

By building the muscle fiber and enlarge the muscles, you get back that beautiful full, firm look of youth.

Have your mother look at pictures of herself in her 20's while looking at herself in the mirror at the same time.

What she'll notice is that - as we age - her face looks like someone took the air out of it..... Sort of deflated - which cause the cheeks and everything else begin to droop and a wax candle melting.

Have her watch this Facial Exercises Video and just try these 3 sample exercises for 3 weeks. I promise she'll get hooked and love the results.

Hope this helped and please make sure to send me pictures of your before and after!!

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Neck wrinkles and rings. How to get rid of them????

by Dotty


I'm not even 40 years old yet and I have these rings and sort of wrinkles going across my neck area. Also, I noticed my chin is sort of "pouchie" and I think this also causes the wrinkles on my neck. What can do? I'm not over weight, I exercise everyday and eat well. Please help!


Hello Dotty,

The neck area usually starts to show our age in our late 30's early 40's.

Catching it now is great but even if you're older, exercising the face and neck can help reverse aging of the skin.

Just remember two things....the longer you wait to start exercising your face, the longer it will be before you start to see results.

And, don't spot train your face because eventually, all areas of your face will concern you. It only takes 15 minutes to do a complete face exercise including the double chin and neck area.

Here is a good sample neck exercise that works great!! Very effective and you should start to see results in a few weeks.

1. Place your open hand at the base of your throat, stretched across your collarbone.

2. While keeping your hand firm in place, look up toward the ceiling - extend your neck up, leading with your chin and stretch with your bottom jaw.

3. Now pull your bottom lip up over your top lip in a gulping motion -- like a fish. Make 10 “gulps” and repeat this 5 times for a total count of 50.

4. Now changing hands do the same thing again for another count of 50.

To view a picture of this exercise and to see other free sample exercises click on the following link and scroll down Facial Exercises - SEE SAMPLE EXERCISES.

Linda, Admin

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Sagging Skin Face - Instant Face Lift

by Miranda Hopkinson
(New York, Ny)


I wanted to share a product I found that lifted my face and smoothed out my wrinkles in just a few minutes. But I want to know if it's safe and was hoping you could do some research and give me your opinion.

I was excited about going to my 30th high school reunion, but realized that I was starting to look pretty old. I knew that any anti-wrinkle creams would take a long time to see results and I need something quick, before the reunion.

So I looked around for one of those instant lift serums. I tried about 5 of them, most of them I bought at the department store makeup counter and a 1 from Sepheora. Some worked for a few hours and others made me breakout in a rash or caused my skin to feel tight and itchy and looked like I had glue on my face!

Then I tried a product called Dermajuv Lift Serum. I Love IT!

It really works. Only 5 minutes after I put on my deep eye wrinkles, my forehead, and around my lower mouth/nose area you can see the wrinkles were smoothed out and the nasal folds were lifted upward. And the results lasted for days, not just hours!

The product says it contains stem cells??? and the ingredients Sesaflash and Matrixyl.

Is this safe? Can you tell me more about it? I want to keep using it but want to make sure I’m not going to damage my skin. It seems almost too good to be true, that’s why I’m scared.

Miranda Hopkins, NY
Hi Miranda,

Thanks for sharing this information. I did some research on this product and it looks pretty good.

Yes, the product does contain real stem cells. Since stem cells are unprogrammed cells they are able to take form of any type of cells they are applied to, like the skin on your face.

Each time you apply these stem cells to your eye and neck wrinkles, the skin begins to heal and firm up to the way it used to be when you were younger and have more healthy skin cells.

I'm excited about this too and am going to give it try myself. What I like is it helps to rejuvenate and heal the skin. But the best part is you look good Right away as it lifts your skin while healing it.

To all reading this post, I'll comment back here in a few weeks after trying it. Can you send me pictures of your self before and after.

In addition, if anyone else has tried Dermajuv Lift Serum could you write in and share your experience?

Linda, Admin, Wrinkle Free Skin Tips

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Why Should I Use Your Facial Exercises For Eyes?

Why should I try the facial exercises you recommend? There are so many out there - how would I or how do you know which is better? Especially facial exercises for eyes?


Thanks for your email regarding the best facial exercises for eyes and face. You asked a great question!

I can only share with you my personal experience and what I found that has worked best for me and my visitors/friends who also tried these facial exercises.

I've been doing/trying different facial exercise programs since 1998. Some were just way to long, and too complicated....One tape I purchased took 55 minutes each day!

I don't have that much time to spend on just my face!!!

Others required you to pull and tug and stretch the skin so much, that you had to wear gloves so your fingers wouldn't slip.

Plus, if you didn't do them EXACTLY as specified in the tape - you can damage the skin and wind up with worse wrinkles/sag than before you started.

Others built up your facial muscles so much, that you looked weird! In fact, I had that happen to me and had to stop my face exercises because I started to out of proportion or strange - especially in the forehead area.

The CFF Face Exercise Progam that I follow now, builds a beautiful, elegant face that looks firm, smooth and young. It every so lightly massages the skin while firming the muscles for a uplifted look.

Click on this link Facial Exercise Free Video to see a sample of how beautiful a 64 year old woman can look with regular facial exercises and try some the samples provided for 3 weeks and see if you don't see a dramatic improvement in your face.


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Face Exercises and Higher cheekbones

I don't have any wrinkles because I am still at a young age. But I wanted to ask, would these facial exercises help me to get a more defined face like higher cheekbones and a chiseled jawline? I really want to know if I can do anything like that to my face without surgery. Thanks.


Thanks for your email regarding higher cheekbones and facial exercises. While facial exercises cannot change the structure (facial bones) of your face, it can help build up muscles in areas that are flat, droopy, or sagging.

For example, you can build and increase muscle size around the cheek area -- giving you a more prominent cheek bone look.

Facial exercises can help tighten sagging muscles in the jawline providing more definition. Exercises can also help tighten up skin/muscles under the chin thus reducing the appearance of a double chin.

Click here Facial Exercises to watch a video of Carolyn explain why and how face exercises work.

I hope this information helped.

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Sagging Mouth Corners - please help

saggin jowles - free facial exercises

saggin jowles - free facial exercises

Can facial exercises help with sagging mouth corners?


Thanks for your email. I believe your speaking about sagging jowls. The corners of our mouth seem to droop and sag as we age....making us look sad and tired. This sagging starts pretty early - sometimes even in our 30's.

Yes, you can fix this problem in a few weeks by doing certain facial exercises.

Try this exercise:

1. Put the tips of your 3 fingers right below your jawline.

2. Then tilt your head back and curl your bottom lip over the top lip.

3. Turn your head to one side, tighten the cheek muscles, squeeze the eye shut - then gently but firmly slide your fingertips up over the jawline towards the outside corner of the mouth, ending there. Repeat 5 times on each side.

Click here to see more free sample instructional videos Facial Exercises.

Hope this helped.

Linda, Admin Wrinkle Free Skin Tips

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Neck and Chin Tone

by Sarah


I tried that 60 seconde neck and chin toner but it never did anything. Do you have any suggestions? What do you use?


Thanks for your great question Sarah. Click on this link to find free Neck and Chin Toner exercises you can do with your equipment needed.

Linda Admin, Wrinkle Free Skin Tips

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Facial Exercises

by Sam


I am a twenty year old male and I obsessed over my face, and more specifically my smile, recently in the past. I assumed by holding my smile, it would align the muscle around my mouth properly to make perfect creases around the outside of my mouth.

Months later, after realizing that my smile is unique and perfectly fine in its own way, i noticed 3 lines appearing on the side of my face I did repetitive facial exercises on.

I suppose the muscle has created a dent in the tissue, and now i feel as if it is too late to repair the damage. I am only 20 and it's too early for any wrinkles on my face.

I feel it is ruining my youthful appearance and it tears me apart. I also recently quit smoking for these reasons. I am worried, is there any hope for such a young bloke?


Hi Sam,

You’re right – twenty years old is young for wrinkles, but if that line is just a natural part where your face folds due to a smile or certain expression you always make, then it’s not a wrinkle and not much can be done.

Later when you get older that line will become deeper – which is why doing facial exercise now is a good idea as it can prevent that.

You can’t make “dents” in your tissues. But what happens when a wrinkle forms is that the skin gets thin and loses elasticity – while at the same time muscles underneath the skin begin to deflate and sag. This combination causes deep wrinkles to set in.

By doing facial exercises – especially the ones listed on my site – you accomplish two things….you thicken the skin (or in your case help to keep it thick) because you’re sort of massaging and your keeping the underlying muscles in shape too.

Don’t spot train when doing facial exercises. Do the whole face. This helps keep everything even. And, don’t do your own exercise by just making random exaggerations with your face. You need to follow a specific set of exercise as these were designed to correct the most common types of facial folds and muscle sags due to aging.

Click here to read more about Facial Exercises. Try some of these free exercises.

Linda, Admin

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Do Facial Exercises Really Work?

I'm over 50 years old and starting to look older. My skin isn't as nice as it used to be and I'm starting to get those jowls and droppy neck. It's depressing!

Do facial exercises really work? Is it too late for me? I was going to start sooner, but never got around to it and didn't know if facial exercises really work.



Thanks for your email. Yes, I know what you mean about the facial changes. I'm over 50 years old too and started to see some changes with my skin when I was in my mid 40's!!

That's when I started doing facial exercises and I think I was able to slow the aging process down. I feel that my skin looks much better now than it did in my 40's.

I absolutely feel that facial exercises really do work. It's exciting to know that I have some control over my skin aging as I get older....And, I don't have to go under the knife.

Want more proof? Fist check out the video below

And, visit this page and click on the before and after pictures....You'll see how well face exercises work. And, most people start to see results in a few weeks.

Facial Exercises Before and After

Thanks and keep in touch and let me know how you like the exercises....

Linda, Admin Wrinkle Free Skin Tips

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deep set eyes - eye exercises....


Do you have any advice/treatment for sunken eyes??

please..thank you

Thank you for your question. As we age, our eyes tend to sink into the eye socket -- giving the eye area a hollow older look.

Creams and surgery really can't correct this. But the good news is you can correct with your finger tips at home everyday for free.

Start doing eye exercises now and you can not only correct this but prevent it from happening as you age. Here are some free Face Exercises that include a free video on eye exercises for crows feet too.

Linda, Admin Wrinkle Free Skin Tips

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Sagging Jowls

by Wanda
(Philadephia, Pa)


I bought the facial exercise cd that you recommend and have been concentrating on my jowls, especially because they were getting really droopy.

My face was sore for the first few weeks so I know something was working. My jowls and chin area look tighter and firmer. And, I'll be 60 years next month. I'm starting to look better now than I did in my late 50's.

I looked into plastic surgery, but I am afraid of surgery and I really don't have that much money.

Thanks for suggesting an excellent option to surgery.

Hi Wanda,

Thanks for your email. Yes, those exercises are effective and quick to use. I think one reason why they work for the jowls so well is that Carolyn always has you working the lower half of your face, even when you're doing cheek raisers.

And how about the effects of these exercises when lying down? You really feel it then don't you?

She has a Part II section where you do a few lying down for extra gravity effect. This really makes it work faster!

I love Facial exercises too. It's nice to know you have some control over the aging process of your face without resorting to surgery.

Please, please take pictures and send them in....:-)

Linda, Admin Wrinkle Free Skin Tips

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Ways to do isometric facial exercises

by Sue

Can you tell me the best ways to do isometric facial exercises or give me some facial exercises to firm my skin?


Thanks for your email. The best ways to do isometric facial exercises is to incorporate a facial massage so your skin gets the added benefits too.

Did you know that by doing the correct facial exercises, your progress actually improves every 3 months?

That means for each year you do isometric facial exercises, you can look a year younger! Click here for some free isometric facial exercises.

Hope this helps,
Linda, Admin Wrinkle Free Skin Tips

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Question on Jowl Facial Exercise

by Vivien

Hi, Linda.

It's my first time to visit your site and I absolutely love it!

I tried the facial exercises you recommended. I had no trouble with all except the jowl exercises.

I am not sure if I am doing it right. I put my forefingers over my chin and my thumbs were under my chin.

My fingers were about an inch apart from the center. I did not feel much resistance though. Am I doing it correctly?

Hi Vivien,

Thanks for your email. This exercise is a little tricky to explain.

On the jowl exercises what you do is....

1) Place your index finger on one side of your chin (feel the jaw bone) and your thumb on the other side of your chin. So now the center of your chin is in between your index finger and your thumb.

2) Now press your fingers into your skin, hold them in place, and try smile. This is a wide smile -- as if you're moving your lips towards your ears.

You should feel the "smile" muscle move under the tension of your fingers. As the muscle moves back, you're fingers will start to slide towards the center of your chin.

Once you've completed the wide smile....repeat the steps again.


1 -- Try placing your fingers a little above the jaw bone. I found that works better for me.

2 -- Try placing your fingers back a little bit (away from the corners of your mouth).

3 -- -Before doing this exercise, try to find the muscle we're after -- this will make it easier to do it correctly.

For example, place your index finger and thumb on either side of your chin and make a wide smile a few times.....move your fingers around until you the feel the muscle moving. That's the muscle you want to create resistance on.

Once you start doing this exercise that muscle get stronger and it will be even easier to find it. This is a small muscle, so this happens quickly.

Let me know how this works out for you and if there is any other question I can help you with.....

Linda, Admin

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Puffy Eyes Facial Exercise for eyes? Drooping Face Can Faical Exercise Work?

by Marie

Please help. My face is falling apart! I have really puffy eyes. Are thee any facial exercise for eyes? Also, what can I do about my drooping face? Can facial exercise help with that too?


Hi Marie,

Thanks for your email. Yes, facial exercise can help with puffy eyes and a droopy face. It can help reduce sagging jowls and raise your cheeks back to where they were when you were young.

Facial exercise is the single most important step in preventing AND reversing the aging process on the face.

While there are creams and serums that can help reduce the appearance of lines and wrinkles....face exercises go beyond the skin and actually lift up and build up sagging facial muscles.

Once the muscles are lifted the skin follows and you look younger and more awake with less droop and higher cheeks.

Plus, if done correctly, facial exercises massage the skin and help to thicken it leading to less wrinkling. Thicker skin around the eye area also acts as a "girdle" pulling in baggy/puffy eye skin and holding those dreaded fat pads back so your eyes don't look as puffy.

Our eyes tend to look more puffy as we age because the skin thins out and is not able to hold the natural fat pads we have around the whole eye area. These fat pads are there to protect the they are a good thing, but can make us look tired and older as the skin thins out.

Click on this link Facial Exercises to read more and to try 3 sample exercise for the eyes and neck.

By the way, look how beautiful the woman in the video is....she is over 64 years old!!

In addition to facial exercising, using a good anti-aging cream can help increase your results and keep the skin looking younger by building collagen.

The two creams I recommend are:

copper peptides and

Pure Vitamin C Crystal Serum

I use both, but even if you only use one or the will help increase your skin rejuvenating results.

For a temporary fix, I LOVE my lifting serum. It helps to lift and tighten sagging skin - especially in the eye area. Try it only on one eye (top and bottom lids) and you'll see the difference. It takes about 15 minutes to dry .... make sure to apply it to clean dry skin.

I usually lie down for a few minutes because the gravity of laying flat helps to pull the skin back gently and gives me better results.

Also, unlike other temporary lifting serums, this one is not tight, but very hydrating and over time also helps to increase your collagen and repair damaged skin because it contains "unprogrammed Stem Cells"

Click here to read more about this lifting serum:
Lifting Serum.

P.S. Whether you use the vitamin C serum, the copper peptides, or some other anti-aging cream.....when you apply it around the eye area in the morning do a light massage around the eyes to stimulate lymphatic drainage and reduce the puffiness. This is how:

1. Apply a cream or serum around the eyes

2. Place your middle (3rd) finger on the outer corner of your eyes

3. Lightly slid your fingers inward towards the inner corner of your eyes then around your upper eyelid until you have reached the outer corner again.

4. Continue to make these small, massaging inward circles in a rapid motion - several times (I do it about 20-30 times). But, make sure your skin is wet from either a cream or serum, so you're not tugging or pulling the skin.....just gently gliding/massaging over it.

This will help drain the fluid from the eye area. This works similar to the Garnier Nutritioniste Skin Renew Antipuff eye roller that you can purchase in the drug store....but it's free. All you need is your fingers!

I hope this information has been helpful.

Linda, Admin Wrinkle Free Skin Tips

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Natural Facelift Exercises

The women in our family seem to age quickly. My mother had her first face lift by age 50. So did my older sister and my aunt.

I hate the way plastic surgery face lift looks. Is there anyway around it for me like natural facelift exercises or something? I'll be 40 yrs old this summer and I'm scared....I don't want to look old!

Hello Jenifer,

Thanks for your email. Yes, there is an alternative to facelift surgery. If done properly face exercises can provide a natural facelift...with higher cheekbones, smoother jaw line and more opened, wider eyes.

Click here to read more and try these free exercises in the video. Facial Exercises.

I love what these exercises have done for my face!

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Do you do the face exercises advertised on your site?

by Anita

I'm starting to get those droopy jowl lines but I am too scared of surgery. Do you do the face exercises advertised on your site? Do they really work?

Hi Anita,

Yes, I purchased the Facial Exercise CD by Carolyn and I do feel that they work pretty well.

Sometimes I may not do it as often as I should, but when I stop for a few months....I notice a big difference in the way my face looks.

After a few months the jowls start to droop and the lines between the forehead and crow's feet seem to come back a bit.

The good thing is muscles have memory, so it doesn't take long to get back into shape. But then again, I've been doing facial exercises since 1999.

Once you start, you'll notice a big difference. Click here to watch a video and get free facial exercise samples

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Sagging Neck - please help!

What can I do about sagging neck skin? Is there a face exercise or cream that would work quickly? Please help me fast.


Thanks for your email. Well, besides the eye area, the neck is one of the first places to show signs of aging. This can happen as early as in your mid-30s.

Neck exercises are your best bet - in addition to specific creams made for the delicate and thin skin on the neck.

Click here to see free facial/neck exercises that you can start doing right now.

Also, at the link above you'll read more about the main causes of neck wrinkles and an effective neck restoration cream.

Hope this helps,
Linda, Admin Wrinkle Free Skin Tips

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Upper Lip Wrinkles - Face Exercises

Do you have any face exercises for upper lip wrinkles?I'm on a budget and can't afford to buy lots of creams or CD's for face exercises....Thanks so much

Hi Thanks for your email.

Sure, no problem, I've included a sample exercise for the upper lip wrinkles at the end of this email.

About your budget, kind in mind, that unlike creams.....once you purchase the face exercise CD, you have a facial rejuvenation system/technique that you can use for the rest of your life. Pay once -- Use it forever..........It's really a great deal!

The facial exercise CD has 40 exercises but they only take only 15 to complete.

They cover the whole face from the top of your scalp (to prevent drooping eye brows) to the lower neck and even upper chest area which also show signs of aging.

So why so many exercises? Well, you may be concerned with one area now (upper lip wrinkles).....but it's guaranteed, that as you age....eventually all the areas of your face will be of a concern. So it's best to start as soon as you can to tackle the problem areas and prevent future ones from happening.

Here is just one exercise to alleviate upper lip wrinkles and wrinkles around the mouth.

1. Resting your middle and index fingertips from both hands lightly on the outside middle of your top lip.

2. Rest your thumbs rest just under your chin. Now curl your lip up under your top teeth, then sliding your fingers down towards the corner of your mouth, counting to 5.

3. Repeat 10 times

When you purchase the Full Exercise Kit program, you'll also get color-illustrated photos to show you the exact handholds, for this and all the exercises in the facial exercise system.

Hope this helps,

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Face Lift Tape Does It Work?

I have droopy face/jowls and wrinkles. What do you think of that face lift tape? I can't afford Restylane or plastic surgery. Please help, I'm desperate!


Thanks for your question regarding face lift tape.

I think you'd be better off with face exercising.

Facial exercising can help get rid of deep forehead lines, sagging skin (like around the jowl area) and thicken papery, thin skin around the neck and eye area.

You see looking older is not just about the wrinkles, it's also how firm your face looks. Facial exercising - which takes about 15 minutes a day - can accomplish this and reduce future wrinkling.

Many of the muscles on the face are attached to the skin - unlike on the body where it's attached to the skeleton. So when you work out your facial muscles, your skin benefits too.
Plus, exercising the facial muscles benefits older folks who have lost that beautiful baby fat that gave their faces that lifted firmer look.

You can't replace facial fat (although certain injectables can like Restylane and Juvederm can help) but why spend the money when your facial muscles can fill in those droopy areas naturally and for free!

Click here to read more: Facial Exercises. Here you'll see sample exercises, video instructions, and a muscle diagram chart showing which exercises affect which muscles.

I hope this information helps - please keep me in touch and let me know how it goes.


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jaw lift exercise and which copper peptides is best?

by Kasia

I had a question about the jaw lift exercise. I can't figure out where exactly to place my fingers on my chin.

You said to hold the muscle like I would want to
stop the smile. I am trying to hold the muscle but I am not sure if I am doing this right.

Also, what copper peptide cream would you recommend?

Thank you so much for your time.

Hi Kasia,

For the lower jowl exercise - to get rid of those little pouches - try these steps to make sure you’re on the right spot....

1. Place your thumb and forefinger on either side of the corner of your mouth.

2. Now slide your fingers down until you feel your jaw bone. Your fingers are now sitting on top of your jaw bone.

3. Make a sad face – real hard – and then go back to normal face. Did you feel that muscle pull? That’s the muscle you want to put resistance on while trying to smile.

You may have to re-adjust your fingers a bit by moving them back away from your mouth – just a tiny bit so you are "behind" the muscle. This way, being behind it, you can prevent it from moving when you smile.

4. Make the sad face or try smiling a few more times until you’re sure you feel the muscle.

5. Now keep the fingers firmly in place and try to smile. Your fingers will slowly slide toward the center of your chin – that’s ok. Because you’re sort of massaging the skin in this area too and that helps tighten it.

6. Basically, when I do this it sort of like a slip and slide. I place my fingers on top of my jawbone (sitting behind the smile muscle) and then hold tight while I smile… fingers slow slip towards the center of my chin and then I move them back in place and repeat.

The copper peptides I use are by Skin Biology. I started with CP Night Eyes for the eyes and Protect and Restore for my face. Now, I’m up to Super Cop which is their strongest. Don’t start with this one – you’ll irritate your face.

Neutrogena now makes a whole copper peptide line and it might be easier to start with their product first – as I don’t think they are as strong. But after a year or so, I would graduate to the “hard stuff” to continue getting great results.

Hope this information helped.
Linda, admin

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free facial workout

Do you have tips for a free facial workout for chubby cheeks?
Hi There,

There is a new video that explains exactly what specific muscles in the cheek area and chin area need to be targeted to reduce fat. This video is great for reducing a double chin too.

Click here ..........How To Eliminate Double Chin.

Linda, Admin Wrinkle Free Skin Tips

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Face Exercises for High cheek bones?

by Karen
(Deerfield Bch, FL)


I saw your picture on the home page and was wondering what you do to get such high cheek bones? Is there a specific exercise for that?

Thanks for your help,

Hello Karen,

Thanks for your email. Yes, there is a really effective, really simple exercise you can do that not only gives you higher cheek muscles, but helps to lift sagging jowls and nasal folds. It also helps to slim chubby it favorite facial exercise...

1. Make a large O shape with your mouth and curl your lips over your teeth.

2. Try to smile wide and big while keeping your lips curled over your teeth.

3. When you try to smile, you'll feel your cheek muscles raise upward. Then take the palms of your hands and place them on your cheek muscles and try to slight push the cheek muscles down. You're using your palms as weights.

4. Then relax the smile and stop pushing with palms for a second.....and repeat the smile/push again.

5. Repeat this exercise 10-20 times a day. This will raise your cheek muscles, pulling up sagging skin and will strengthen the around the whole lower face.

For more information and more free face sculpting exercises to reduce crows feet, frown lines and nasal folds....visit this page....Facial Exercises.

I've been doing facial exercises for years now off and on and see a big difference in my facial muscles. The muscles in your face respond the same way the muscles do on your body.....if you don't exercise them, they will get flabby.

Linda, Admin Wrinkle Free Skin tips

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Need Help Removing Double Chin and Saggy Cheeks

by Darleen

Can you give me some advice on removing double chin and lifting saggy cheeks. I feel like my face has fallen and can't get up :-)

I can't afford liposuction for my double chin, so I need some advice and maybe makeup tips.




Thanks for your email regarding tips on how to lose a double chin.

I found a great video that shows specific facial movements and exercises that helps to slim and get rid of a double chin and tone up your cheeks.

You see, if you exercise and target specific facial muscles around the cheek, chin, and lower facial really does help to "pull up" your chin, jowls and tighten and raise your cheeks.

After a few months of doing these exercises your whole face has a much leaner, slimmer look. It can even help you to look younger.

Please click here to read more......

How To Eliminate Double Chin.

Hope this helps and please take pictures before and after....I'd love to see them.

Thank you,

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face exercises or roller for loose skin around eye area.

I am 76 yrs.old -- with "not bad skin", but I do have loose skin on my neck, bags under my eyes, and loose skin on my eyelids.

I also have loose skin on my knees and elbows.
I do serious exercises every day.
Can the skin roller help me?

Hello Harold,

Thanks for your email regarding loose skin, bags under your eyes, and roller. The roller should not be used on the eyelids or directly under the eyes - so it may not be the best thing for your particular situation.

What might work better for you is Face Exercising. You can watch this video of Carolyn explaining how and why it works for the whole face - from your forehead to your neck/chest area.

Click here: face exercises.

In addition, a very recent study indicated that facial exercises can also help prevent bone atrophy which also can make us look older.

There are two pictures comparing a CT scan of a skull of a younger woman and a scan of a skull of a woman in her 60's. You can see the difference in the upper cheek area and the lower jowl area.

Very interesting! Click here to read about this and see the pictures here: face lift exercise and bone loss.

I hope this information helped.


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Sagging Neck - please help!

What can I do about sagging neck skin? Is there a face exercise or cream that would work quickly? Please help me fast.


Thanks for your email. Well, besides the eye area, the neck is one of the first places to show signs of aging. This can happen as early as in your mid-30s.

Neck exercises are your best bet - in addition to specific creams made for the delicate and thin skin on the neck.

Click here to see free facial/neck exercises that you can start doing right now.

Also, at the link above you'll read more about the main causes of neck wrinkles and an effective neck restoration cream.

Hope this helps,
Linda, Admin Wrinkle Free Skin Tips

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Face Trainer Facial Exercises

I saw the Face Trainer featured on The Doctors' Show to help strengthen the face mucles and eliminate the need for a face lift. Do you know anything about it?


Thanks for your email. Save your don't need to buy any expensive masks. They will only hinder your ability to get a really great natural face is why:

First of all - to get really great results you need to accomplish 2 things....thicken and stengthen the skin and lift and tone the underlying muscle.

When you do a facial exercises with your hands in a certain manner that also massage the skin over a contracted muscle - you tighten and thicken the skin, while strengthening the underlying muscles which lifts the sagging face.

This is similar to what a cosmetic facelift does by addressing both skin and muscle. A plastic surgeons usually address the skin by doing something like a laser/chemical peel to refresh the skin and then lifting underlying sagging muscles for a total look.

The Face Trainer will not allow you to massage or even touch the skin, only slightly tone the muscles, so your missing a really great chance to enhance your skin texture and tone and detoxify by bring extra oxygen to the skin cells.

Click here Free Facial Exercise Samples.

Linda, Admin Wrinkle Free Skin Tips

It is important to achieve both points mentioned above for best results.....tighter skin, tone muscles....this is what gives you a younger look without plastic surgery.

Try some of these face exercises and take a look at a woman who has been doing exactly this for over 10 years...mind you in this video she is over 63 years old and looks Fantastic!

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smile lines

Hi all,
i have been doing one of the exercise posted on the site for smile lines but alas i have seen my self developing a new line starting from the side of my nose skin joining into the skin under the eye , which makes my smile line look ridiculously long.i wish some one could help me, seems like i am developing more lines.
regards, ali

hi ya,

Hi Ali,

Thanks for your email question. Yes, I see what you mean. Doing one or two exercises all the time, is not the best way to prevent facial aging. As you age, other parts of the face will begin to show aging. That's why it's a good idea to do the whole complete facial package.

However, here is a sample exercise to try for that particular area around the nose/cheek area.

1. Place your middle & fourth fingers on each side of your nose...near your inner eye area.

2. Scrunch your nose (like a rabbit), then slide your fingers slightly down your nose (like trying to unscrunch or push the nose muscle down) and then slide your fingers out across your cheeks.

3 Do this for a count of 3 down your nose and 3 across your cheek. Do 10 reps of this exercise.

But you really should aim for a balanced facial toning regime. Click here to learn more:

Face Sample Exercises

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Face Exercise for lines from nose to mouth...

by Vivien

Thank you for your email, Linda.

I do have one more question. The lines from the sides of my nose down to the sides of my lips have started to deepen. I noticed this about two months ago. Anyway, do you have any exercises for this?
> Thanks again.
> Vivien


Hi Vivien,

Yes, there is a great exercise for the furrows running from your nose to your mouth. Here it is:

1. Place both of your thumbs under your top lip.
2. Grasp the lip with the sides of index finger, hold tight and pull straight down.
3. While holding your lip in place, try to contract the lip muscle by pulling the lip up -- like your sneering. And try to hold for a count of 5

Then let go and repeat the process again. Do this for 10 times.

Yes, please do take pictures.....I'd love to see the results.

Linda, Admin

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